Pre-Treatment Options > Pre-Treatment Options

Just Diagnosed - Managing Symptoms

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Again, I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to write to me and to share your experiences.  I do need to calm down - the symptoms don't help with my existing anxiety disorder because every little twitch or dizzy spell sends me spiraling into the worst case scenario.  Also, the anxiety over what is going on in my life (supposed to take teen daughter to first Taylor Swift concert next week and then go on a lake vacation where 98 percent of our time is spent on a boat of swimming), which should not be the priority now but makes me anxious on how I will handle and effects my family.

I also agree that I will hopefully feel better once I see the first otologist tomorrow.  I feel like if I can manage these symptoms and feel like myself again, I can handle the rest better (3.5 weeks of symptoms, first week severe couldn't leave bed, next two a bit better).  I am going to write for the ANA packet now.

Can any of you share the treatment plans you pursued, success rates and how you feel?  I truly can't thank you all enough.  This group is already a blessing.

2 baby aspirin each morning along with regular exercise. I run 20 miles per week.......

I realize that it's not possible for everyone to run or bike..but do what you can to get the heart rate up!

 I take 2 baby aspirin 2 times a day morn and evening as well.  Some studies are showing aspirin helps stopping the growth and they are just entering clinical trials to see if that holds true.   I run about 10 miles per week.  Yes I do get dizzy and wonky headed but I just focus straight ahead and run slow! 


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