ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Dana on October 03, 2007, 03:21:01 pm

Title: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Dana on October 03, 2007, 03:21:01 pm
Hi, everybody,
Send good thoughts to Sharon McC tomorrow; she's having GK at UW/Harborview Gamma Knife Center for acoustic neuroma.  Sharon is my non-computer friend (we have same doctor, now well educated about acoustic neuromas!) who lives in the slightly larger town here in western Washington.  It's a relatively unpopulated county -- timber and salmon, no psychiatrist in the whole county!!  So we ANers stick together (Raydean lives in the county too.)
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Brendalu on October 03, 2007, 04:10:24 pm
Lots of good thoughts going Sharon's way tomorrow and for the rest of her AN journey.
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: cookiesecond on October 03, 2007, 05:43:58 pm
Sharon is definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted and thanks for being such a good friend to her!!!
Take care,
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Raydean on October 04, 2007, 02:24:52 am
Will be thinking of Sharon tomorrow and keeping her in my prayers and positive thoughts.  Yeah another member of the  postiehood.  club!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Lorenzo on October 04, 2007, 06:23:58 am
Good thoughts going to Sharon. Wish her all the best for me!!

Ciao, Lorenzo
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: nancyann on October 04, 2007, 08:34:55 am
Putting out positive thoughts to Sharon !!!
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Dana on October 04, 2007, 12:52:52 pm
Thanks for all your good thoughts!  I'm going to print out our posts and send 'em to her as a "Get Well" card.

I was so taken aback by news of Windsong's death that I haven't written until now.  I was always attracted to read her posts and will miss her; seems like she always said just the right thing.

Strange how the internet has changed our lives, eh?  I've been expounding the great benefits of this board, how it's so helpful to be able to talk to so many others that we'd never know otherwise.  Then to have one of our members die and the emotional impact that has on us.  Makes one recognize the profound changes the internet has created.

Of course, I've begun to realize it's effect -- I met my husband online, I talk to future neighbors in Panama online, my good friend who had a baby born with a severe genetic brain dysfunction experienced by only 500 other families in the WORLD became friends with many of them online, etc etc.  BUT somehow, as always, death brings things into very clear perspective. 

And my AN friend Sharon NOT having access to the support and conversation and information here on the AN board also makes it clear to me what a powerful influence it has been for us, instead each of us floundering alone.  When I go for my followup MRI etc at Univ. of Wash in November, I'm going to REALLY PUSH this organization with their AN team, asking them to make sure they tell every ANer who passes thru their doors about it.  It was thru something I got there at my first appt that got me to ANA, but I think they need to be more aggressive about getting the word out.  The medical profession doesn't realize how overwhelmed an individual feels with this (or any similar kind of) diagnosis.  And what a great relief it is to know one isn't alone.

Love to all,
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: nancyann on October 04, 2007, 01:38:57 pm
Amen my friend, Amen.....
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: marg on October 05, 2007, 10:53:23 pm
   I totally agree... and I told my neurosurgeon I felt the same way about the AN forum.  I have my follow up MRI in November too... can hardly wait  :o .

I also live in western Washington (grew up in Tacoma...but now live in Longview). 
     I've been thinking, it sure would be great for all of us AN people in western Washington (or anyone else in driving distance) to get together some Saturday in a somewhat  1/2 way in the middle (Chehalis or something)  place ...just off     I  5 .... what do you think?  I know there are Western Washington people on this forum from Vancouver,WA   -  to the Canadian border.  It would be nice to put some faces to the great 'conversations' we have had.  What do you think?
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Dana on October 06, 2007, 10:53:30 am

Yeah, I' would love to get together.  I'm going to be out of town for three weeks starting next weekend, but I was thinking after that we should 'put out a call' for lunch sometime.  I didn't know you were in Western Washington too! 

Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Sue on October 06, 2007, 01:55:23 pm

Last summer there was a lovely lunch in Seattle and it was really fun.  We had a beautiful day and after lunch my husband and I took a stroll through Pikes Marketplace, as that's where the lunch was held.  So if I can go to Seattle, I can probably get to Chehalis!  :D
Depending on the weather, of course.  This could also include anyone from the Portland area, I would assume, if they are interested.  It's a thought.

Sue in Vancouver USA
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Dana on October 06, 2007, 02:52:28 pm

Of course it would include anyone...!  I don't know what would be a good town to meet in.... I was thinking maybe Olympia would be the most central for everyone (Seattle folks, coastal folks, Portland metro area folks).... whatcha think?  Sort of equi-traffic distance for all, Olympia?

Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: marg on October 06, 2007, 11:08:09 pm
Dana and Sue,  Olympia would be good too ....  Maybe we could find a place up there to meet ( an easy to find place  :D ).  Of course anyone who wants to drive there is welcome..... I'll be glad to see all the AN family members that can make it  ;D .   I drove on the freeway last week  for the 2nd time I feel much more comfortable about it now.   
     When you get back Dana let me know. 
     Hey,  maybe we can start a new 'thread' about a get together.  I'm sure I've read about other get togethers in other parts of the country.  There must be somebody up in the Olympia area who would know about a good place to have this meeting.  So anyone else out there....feel free to 'chime in ' about this.
Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Raydean on October 07, 2007, 04:19:59 am
I'm about 45 minutes from Oly town and I'm in!!!! Give me the day that works best for most people, (weekend afternoon works best for me)  time of day that works and when  ( what timeframe are you looking at, end of Oct/early November, mid Nov?) and I'll see what I can come up with  Just give me a window to work with and I'll get on it  Given our early jump on cold weather I'm guessing by the end of Oct would work best for those traveling a ways, A couple of possibilities have crossed my mind all ready as to where to meet.  This will be fun.

So first order would be to set a day and time and we'll go from there. After that we'll figure out how many people. 

Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 07, 2007, 10:18:45 am
Dana -

I agree totally on your thoughts about telling our docs what a great source the ANA is.  If I hadn't found their brochure in his waiting room post op, I would have never found this forum.  Since then, every time I see him, I mention the ANA and this forum.  Hopefully he'll mention it to all his other patients.

Also, how is Sharon doing?  Can you give us an update?


Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: sgerrard on October 07, 2007, 11:29:46 am
Last summer there was a lovely lunch in Seattle and it was really fun.  We had a beautiful day and after lunch my husband and I took a stroll through Pikes Marketplace, as that's where the lunch was held.  So if I can go to Seattle, I can probably get to Chehalis!  :D
Depending on the weather, of course.  This could also include anyone from the Portland area, I would assume, if they are interested.  It's a thought.
Sue in Vancouver USA

"Portland area" would mean me, among others. Actually Olympia is an easy drive from Portland, so I will join in if you arrange a meeting, especially a weekend early afternoon, as Raydean suggested.

Also I hope Sharon's GK went according to plan.

Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: Dana on October 07, 2007, 11:38:45 am
Hi everybody,

Sharon is doing well, just has a headache.  I talked to her yesterday.  She has other health problems, so being able to have GK and not surgery was especially good.  She'd love to get together with others ....

I'll start another post about a get-together in Olympia.....  maybe instead we could just teleport to PALM SPRINGS  for some SUNSHINE !!!  (just joking...)

Title: Re: Think about my friend Sharon tomorrow
Post by: marg on October 07, 2007, 11:25:54 pm
    Thanks for starting the other thread about a get together.  I have to admit Palm Springs sounds soooooooooooooooooooo good   ;D .  Oh well, we will just have to make our own sunshine.