ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Angela R. on October 15, 2010, 09:03:38 am

Post by: Angela R. on October 15, 2010, 09:03:38 am
Does anyone else struggle with fatigue?  I work full time and returned 6 weeks after surgery.  Since then every few weeks I end of having about 2-4 days of just total exhaustion.  Is it just me or is this something others deal with?
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Kaybo on October 15, 2010, 09:47:36 am
It is not just you...unfortunately, it may be something that you struggle with...maybe even forever.  Since EVERY case is so different, everyone heals and recovers very different.  Learning to manage the fatigue is all part of the "new normal"...I had my surgery at 25 (almost 15 years ago).  Just yesterday I was talking to my SIL about how I don't work full-time outside the home (I have 3 fairly young girls) because I couldn't do that AND be a good wife & mother.  I had a neuro tell me once that I should either be working full-time OR have ONE child - of course, I piped up that I was trying to get pregnant again - he just shook his head.  Wonder what he would think now if I told him I had 3 girls and am thinking I should work!?!  ::)  We have moved recently and I have been trying to substitute teach - it is kicking my butt!  I do think that part of it is because I have just exhausted myself with the last few months and now finally moving into our house and have never let myself "catch up."  I never say anything to anyone (except my hubby knows) about how super tired I am and no one really sees us at home at night.  As my SIL was saying, no one ever thinks about my limitations because I try not to ever let it stop me or complain (anywhere but here!), but it is always there in the back of my mind.  I had a VERY large tumor and a stroke so I had a fairly entailed surgery/recovery and really, I am just thankful to be alive - I know that MY life will forever be altered and I am just going to do the best I can!  Try to cut yourself some are not very far out of surgery AT ALL.  One day, you will look back and realize that you are doing more stuff and it is not as tiring but it may take will be recovering but also, without thinking about it, you will learn to do things a little different here and there to make things work for you and your lifestyle.  Hope that helps a get some rest!!

K   ;D
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: CHD63 on October 15, 2010, 10:09:00 am
Hi Angela R. and welcome to this forum.  I wish you had found it sooner.

If you did a search on fatigue on this ANA Discussion Forum, you would probably pull up hundreds of posts.  This seems to be a universal aftermath of AN treatment.

Like Kaybo said, at four months out, you are not very far post-op in the grand scheme of things.  It is so important to listen to your body regarding fatigue.  I refer to it as "hitting the wall" when I still experience sudden fatigue.  Usually a quick 5 minute sit-down will relieve it and I can get up and continue on my way.  Depending upon the type of job you have, can you take a break for 5 minutes when you have that feeling of fatigue, rather than let it build up to total exhaustion?

Best thoughts.  Clarice
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Syl on October 15, 2010, 10:34:43 am

I've had to stay home from work due to the fatigue. As time goes by, I get this less & less. I've never felt this kind of extreme & sudden fatigue before my AN. One minute I'm fine, then bang! I can't move. My body feels weak & I have to go lie down wondering if I'll make it to the bed.

It does get better. I was on medical leave for 8 weeks after my surgery & wondered if I was ready to return when the time came. I found that getting back to work helped my recovery. So often I wonder if I will make it through my day. Somehow I do. Some recent changes at work have required much overtime. After weeks of working so much overtime, I realized how much stronger my body has gotten. I don't know that I would have survived this schedule 8 months ago.

Maybe that's why this week has been a bad week. I've had a headache just about every day & some fatigue one day. But that's just this week. I know next week will be better. A year ago, every week used to be like this one. I'm glad to say that I didn't call in sick once this week. I do go in to work late at times, but I make it in. Fortunately, my work schedule is back to a 40-hr-week.

Things are looking up.


Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Jim Scott on October 15, 2010, 12:12:15 pm
Hi, Angela.  Welcome to the ANA Discussion Forums. 

I'll get right to the point by simply affirming the collective opinions expressed in previous posts that fatigue, at some level - different for each AN patient - is pretty much the norm.  I experience it and pace myself, whenever possible.  It will improve but at four years post-op and with a very smooth recovery, the fatigue is still there for me, although it isn't an impediment to my lifestyle.

Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Angela R. on October 15, 2010, 02:38:41 pm
Thank you all so much for sharing.  I was starting to think I was just a wimp, since of course no one seems to understand what I am feeling!  You all just confirmed that I need to listen to my own body and know my own limitations....and of course not be so hard on myself.  Believe it or not, I hear that a lot.   :o
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: skamper on October 16, 2010, 10:21:53 pm
I am 6 months post op and still get very tired some weeks.  Sometimes I can't wait to get home to lay down.  I always say, just for an hour, it always winds up being a two hour nap or more.  I still can get to sleep by 10:30 or 11:00 with no problem.
I feel bad for my girls, I know they need me when I come home, I just can't manage another minute awake and then have to crash.  I hope it gets better, I know my family wants me back.
It is hard for work to understand, I've called in sick three or four time since surgery, usually for headaches.  Then I miss a lot for Dr's appts, I'm just hoping they understand. 
Hopefully you and I both will get our strength back soon.
Good luck,
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 17, 2010, 08:41:55 am
Angela -

I see that your surgery was in June - not that long ago.  You are still in the recovery stage.  Don't forget you had brain surgery, which is major.

Fatigue is normal and can last for quite a while post op.  I had mine for about a year - although it was more severe in the first 6 months post op.

This too shall pass.  Hang in there  ;D

Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: KarenE on October 17, 2010, 09:10:23 am
I had my surgery in July and am since back at work (teacher) and I have two small boys....I am constantly exhausted.  I do OK in the morning time, which gets me through work, but then by the time 4pm comes around, I feel like I could go to bed for the night!!  I fall into bed each night by 10pm 100% exhausted!
You are not alone!
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: moe on October 17, 2010, 07:42:51 pm
Dear Angela,
Ahhh the fatigue issue. I think I was born fatigued, and have been ever since the hormones kicked in as a teenager! :D
There may be some genetic component too.

I was soooo fatigued before the diagnoses, and would need to lay down once or twice a day.

Now post op, the physical fatigue is not as bad as the emotional/mental fatigue, dealing with the SSD and tinnitus. So much mental energy is focused on just getting through the conversations/social situations, and that is very fatiguing.
I'm 4 years post op and incorporate my nap into my daily routine. It's not a matter of if I will nap, it's a matter of when will I fit it in?

If I lived in Spain or Italy, it would be no big deal! That's what they do after lunch. Too bad we all can't follow their wise lifestyle, heh?

It helps me get through the day, and then I'm good to go to bed by 10 pm again.
It"s part of the "new me."
Also a good excuse to nap to "rest my ears."

I also do OK in the morning, 4 years later, and by 3pm, if I haven't layed down, it's what I do. I know that not everyone is so fortunate, with work and little ones. Thankfully, my kids are older, and I work very part time, so it is easy for me.

I hope your fatigue improves.... Are you taking vitamins, along with the BComplex ones???
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Syl on October 17, 2010, 08:37:41 pm
On Saturday I was so fatigued that I took 2 naps & had no problem getting to sleep at my usual bedtime. I feel so much better today.

Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: ppearl214 on October 18, 2010, 03:58:47 am
I have posted this many times over the years on this forum and for those that have not seen it (it's in a .pdf file... you can download a trial copy of Adobe to help access if you don't already have....)..... this brochure done by the Brain Science Foundation (out of Brigham Woman's in Boston) is all about "Brain Tumors and Fatigue", which is for all brain tumors (benign and malignant) and how fatigue can run amock and ways to help counteract it. I know it has helped many here over the years and re-post again for those that may want to peek at it.  I know it helped me with fatigue, post-radio and hope it helps many others here as well.

Also recommend doing a "Search" option from the forums "home" page on "fatigue" and you will see that you are not alone in battling fatigue as many here, over the years have discussed and also come up with solutions to help the cause.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: moe on October 18, 2010, 08:54:34 am
Once again,
Thanks Phyll for that article. I remember reading it before and am reading it again!
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Angela R. on October 22, 2010, 04:52:18 am
Wow, I have to hurry up and get to work but wanted to check in real quick before I left.  This thread of responses is great.  I can't wait to read everything and get some tips.  You all made my day...thanks!!   :o
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: jaylogs on October 22, 2010, 05:20:51 am
I just read everyone's responses and it all seems spot on with my own experiences.  It seemed like at the 6 month mark is when I finally started getting my mojo back.  10 months now and if I push it too much it sets me back a couple of days.  So you aren't alone in this!
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: cecile k on October 24, 2010, 10:18:18 pm
Hi Angela:

Fatigue and headaches are very much a part of my life. I am nearly nine years post op after removal of my AN. My recovery took ages and that was pushing myself to the limit. At the time of my surgery my boys were 4, 7, 10, 12, 14 and I was eager to get on with my life and being their mother. God had other plans. I was forced to take it slow - in hospital for two weeks, recuperating at my parent's place for five weeks just learning how to regain my balance and walk stairs, then home again with A LOT of help. Two of my boys were with friends for two months during the time my Hubby was at work. I simply did not have the energy to care for them. Meals were brought to me for two months as well by church folks who were fantastic.

It took years for me to feel someone 'normal' whatever normal is post AN. I have had to deal with an abundance of headaches/tinnitus which didn't help the fatigue either. Fatigue is just a part of my life - I need a lot of rest and am blessed to be able to stay at home and not have to go out to work (we live a frugal lifestyle, living simply but contentedly :-)

I do feel that it is hard for people to understand why I am often tired but that's ok....that is why we have this forum to encourage one another. I also find that you have to look after yourself and, when I am asked to help at functions where there are a lot of people and it's busy, I just have learned to say no. This has been a huge thing for me to be able to say no. Helping others in our church one on one is a good fit for me so that is what I quietly do.

OK, I'm rambling but I hope this encourages you a little to take care of yourself. You may want to print off some responses for others to read (your co workers/family). That has been helpful for me.

All the best!
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Angela R. on November 14, 2010, 10:28:25 am
Thanks, Cecile.  It is hard when people don't understand.  If they aren't tired, they expect you to not be tired.  I have learned that I have new limits and I am the only one who will, can and should set my own limits.  Just admitting that, doing it and not feeling guilty about it has really helped!  And hearing all of your stories - totally helps me not feel so alone!
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Tumbleweed on November 14, 2010, 12:24:57 pm
Angela, I suffered from profound exhaustion for two months following my treatments (CK). I found that Rhodiola rosea, a natural herbal extract, cut my fatigue fully in half. You can buy it at a natural-food store or online. It doesn't contain any caffeine, but you should nevertheless not take it past, say, 2 PM, as it might otherwise keep you awake at night. Otherwise, I found it had no side effects. Find the best source you can, as quality makes a huge difference in its effectiveness. The best brand I found was Oregon Wild Harvest. It seemed to work better than the NOW brand rhodiola rosea.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: FATIGUE
Post by: Shan1014 on November 14, 2010, 01:55:17 pm

You have already gotten great advice here so I will just give you my experience.  I had a fairly large tumor also and a not-so-fast recovery but... no complications really.  I am a teacher and had my surgery in March and took the rest of the school year off and then had the summer to recover, fortunately.  I was taking 2-3 hour naps daily through June... so about 4 months.  At that point I had worked myself up to running 30-45 min. a day but I still needed that nap! 
Now, I am 6 weeks post radiation and experiencing quite a bit of fatigue from that but... I am working... usually 4 days a week.  But I am hoping that turns around in the next few weeks.
Good luck and take care of yourself.