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Ear,neck, arm pain

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I was recently diagnosed with a large schwannoma in my neck the size of a golf ball. I am told it is not an acoustic neuroma but I can't find much information on tumors in the neck. While my hearing is not affected I have constant ear and jaw pain as well as arm and wrist numbness and pain. I am confused because while the neurosurgeon says it is not in the ear, my ear is constantly bothering me. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Hello Maeve,

I'm sorry to hear of your situation.

What is the process (journey) that got you to this diagnosis?  (process of doctors and whom did you see?) 

Could you give more details and what does the ENT doctor tell you, exactly?

You may be experiencing TMJ problems as well.  What does the dentist say?

How long have you been experiencing each of these symptoms?

My best of luck to you from the Acoustic Neuroma people.


OK, hard to comment without a bit more detail
Basically any neck tumour can compress either or both
the blood supply or nerve /reception transmissions
to various parts of the body
So general pain is rare (but not headaches)
 - but lack of feeling or strength in certain limbs
is actually quite common
It is worth getting a med/pro to check you out
(they do a sort of full body strength/feeling test)
- you may find you already have un-noticed changes
Finally in regard to any pain you may have
- one, it is quite hard to determin the where and the why
when nerves are compressed in this way
- two, it maybe poor blood supply which is causing pain
Last thought - have they actually conducted a head MRI scan on you ?
I think its worth to check here just in case
Hope this helps
Best Regards

Maeve! So Sorry to hear of your tumor- is a good website to research stuff. I would research and get as many opinions as you can... I'm sorry about the lack of information on your situation.  And I'm really sorry about the ear pain.  Take care of yourself- Annie

Hi Maeve,

Your thread, here, now has me remembering about my artery in my neck on one side. (also on same side as my AN which is in my head)... and I had forgotten about this bit  what with other things going on in me . The artery has less flow/ movement than the other one and maybe this would tie in with what Tony said about blood supply in his post here.  Interesting that i get the pains in the same place as you do but mine are not constant fortunately. Hard to know if my own pain is from the blood vessel or from a nerve.

All the best,


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