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What would you like others to know?

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Alix May:
I've been posting facts about brain tumors on my Facebook throughout the month (AN-specific facts during ANAwareness week), and I thought I might end up the month, rather than posting statistics/data/etc., what people with AN might want others to know about having an AN/brain tumor?

One from me might be: if it seems like I am zoning out during a conversation, it's not that I'm not interested in what you're saying, I'm just either tired and/or distracted by vertigo or ringing.

I think I would like those around me to understand that although I am nearly SSD, noise like
the radio or television blarring is very unsettling!!!  Sometimes people assume that since you
can't hear very well, loud noise shouldn't be too bothersome. 

Alix May:
Thank you, Janey, I'll definitely note that!

Amen to what Janey said....and I'd add that even though my AN ear is down 60% it seems like loud sounds just aggravate me so much more! 

Jill Marie:
Good idea Alix May,

I would want people to know if they are curious about how I look, why my eye appears to water a lot (its actually ointment), why I don't smile, etc., just ask, more then happy to explain it to you, it will make us both feel a lot more comfortable with each other. 

For the most part we are the same people we were before the AN except that we tend to be more understanding of others with medical issues then we were before. 

If I think of something else I will let you know!  Jill Marie 8)


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