ANA Discussion Forum

Pre-Treatment Options => Pre-Treatment Options => Topic started by: Mico on December 30, 2011, 10:56:42 am

Title: New to the Group
Post by: Mico on December 30, 2011, 10:56:42 am
Hello Everyone,
I stumbled upon this forum a couple of weeks ago.  I've been reading the posts and they have been very helpful.  My problems, compared to some of yours, seem minor, so I guess I'm lucky.

I began experiencing tinnitus about 4 years ago.  About 6 months ago, the volume increased and I decided to have it rechecked.  My doctor order an MRI and there it was.  Although I was originally diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma, my second opinion doctor informed me I have a Jugular Foramen Schwannoma.  Other than the tinnitus and the feeling of constant pressure in my ear, I don't have any symptoms.  Although everytime I sneeze or feel a pain in my knee I'm convinced it is caused by the tumor. 

I have experienced some of the same emotions everyone else has as I learned from reading your posts; initial shock, disbelief, self-pity, anger, and acceptance. 

With input from my family, I decided to have surgery.  I wanted to have the surgery this December, but my doctors were booked this month.  Because of some other events in my life, actually my children's lives, I decided to put the surgery off until next summer.  My doctor reminded me that waiting is a viable option.  I prefer to have the surgery sooner rather than later because I'm as young and as healthy as I'm ever going to be.   

I will continue to read your posts, as I find comfort in  reading them.  I look forward to having surgery and putting this chapter in my life behind me.

Title: Re: New to the Group
Post by: Jim Scott on December 30, 2011, 01:45:06 pm
Hi, Mico ~

Welcome - and thanks for your kind words.   :) 

I'm very pleased to learn that the ANA website forums have been helpful to you - as that is their purpose.  I'm going to assume that your tumor is relatively small if you are planning to delay removal surgery for at least six months and your doctor approves.  You may work up some anxiety as The Big Day draws closer but you seem to have gone through all the usual emotions already and I'm confident you'll be able to deal with the impending surgery without too much angst.

Please stay connected here and feel free to ask a question, seek advice or simply 'vent', if and when that ever becomes necessary.  Meanwhile, know that you are hardly alone in this.  Many have gone through the removal surgery just fine and were able to move on with their lives.  I did - and I'm sure you will, too.

Title: Re: New to the Group
Post by: LisaP on December 31, 2011, 03:04:31 pm

Welcome, please keep up posted on your upcoming surgery and continue to read info on this forum, you'll find that I is very helpful.

Best wishes,

LisaP ;D
Title: Re: New to the Group
Post by: leapyrtwins on January 02, 2012, 04:56:10 pm
Hi, Mico and welcome to the Forum.

Something you said in your post concerns me a little bit.  You mention that you decided on surgery "with input" from your family.

Not to knock your family - or anyone else's - but before you actually have your surgery make sure that it's a choice you are absolutely 100% comfortable with and a decision that you would have made without input from your family (spouse, parents, kids, etc). 

AN treatment is a very personal choice - one size does not fit all - and while it's a tough choice to make it's your tumor, your head, and your life.  Although others are well-meaning and have your best interests at heart, ultimately it's you who should be making this choice.

