Pre-Treatment Options > Pre-Treatment Options

I can't decide!!! GK or CK???

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I'm lucky to have so many options open for me but it's making it so hard to decide. The doctor I'm seeing now is Dr. Harris at UCSD. They are soooo nice there! They only offer Gamma Knife and surgery. I've decided against surgery due to recovery and my neuroma is only 11mm. There is a Cyberknife Center here where I live called San Diego Cyberknife but I may have to jump through some hoops to get a referrel for cyberknife. Stanford just called me and the Doctor on the phone was wonderful! But it will cost me two plane tickets, time off work, hotel, and I have two kids so I don't know what to choose. My main concern is preserving what I have since my tumor is small. I just keep thinking cyberknife may do that better than Gamma Knife. I'm so confused! Any advice out there? Thanks,

Lana ???

We have some friends in my home town. Their son had a 1.2CM two years ago and had in Surgically removed by a Dr. Thedinger in Kansas City. This is the doctor that did my first surgery back in 1988. Anyway- I was led to believe by this Surgeon that some AN's that fall under 1.2CM-the hearing can be saved by Surgery. In this case his hearing was saved by Surgery. Being this small-it might be the best option. Now I do not expect you to go to KC-I am just giving an actual case where hearing was retained and preserved. In one of my posts-I related how decisions that can affect the rest of your life should NOT be based on money or convenience. I traveled all the way across the US to get my radiation no matter the cost. Take your future into account and then decide what is best for you-Good Luck.

Thank you Dealy! Any info helps. My hearing isn't very good in the AN ear but I just don't want to lose what I still have left. I just recently went to the air show and I put a plug in my AN ear so the tinnitus wouldn't be worse after and I couldn't stand not being able to hear at all out of that ear even if the speech recognition isn't very good. It helps my good ear in some weird way. I'm just worried about balance ,headaches, facial palsy and such with surgery even if temporary. All I have been hearing sounds like horror stories to me. I have two little kids and no one to help me with them. My Husband can not take off from work. He's already missing enough dealing with his newly diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis and going to doctors, specialists and such. Thanks for the info and I will keep it in mind before making a final decision.


Hi Lana and welcome

Now 6 mos post CK..... I'm doing great.  Occassional side affects that have really minimized over the past months (ie: facial numbess, hearing, etc).  I know it's overwhelming to try to figure out what is best for you, but either way, GK and CK are both very viable options in the treatment of AN's.  GK has a fantastic track (historical) record, having been around for over 35 years.  CK is, yes, newer and I think of it as the grandbaby to GK.  You know that GK is a single dose vs. CK which is fractionated.  GK uses a metal head frame (temporary discomfort when you think of the long term affects of the radiation)... CK is frameless and uses a mesh mask (if you click below on my frappr link, you will see me in CK treatment, as well as what the mask looks like).  Recent reports show that CK is slightly more "accurate" than GK, but to compare them both, they are pretty fairly even.  There are many here that have had CK... many that have had GK. If you get the chance, I would probably suggest emailing some of the folks to start communications to get a feel for their treatments and outcomes.

I can only wish you the best in this very overwhelming time... my inbox is also open to you if you'd like.  Just know that we are all in the same family and are going to help you get through this.

Hang tough....

Hi Lana,

I want you to know that having AN is not the end of the world although I thought it was in the first few days before I did my research.  Yes, there are some inconveniences and some pains but they are all manageable.  I know there are times that we all feel very stressed out and despaired.  But please take the positive approach for your family.  Everything should work out fine as long as you do our research and make the right decision.

As far as GK and CK are concerned, they have the same biological effect in destroying the DNA of the tumor by radiation.  There are differences however as Phyl and others pointed out.  You will need to make the right decision for yourself weighing all your preferences and options.

In my case, I am one of those people who dread pain.  So, between GK and CK, CK became my natural choice for me and my local neurosurgeon confirmed my decision on CK.  Since I live in San Diego, I visited the San Diego Cyberknife Center in July, 3 weeks after they opened and 1 week after I found out about my AN.  The CK forum doctors also said recommended them since it is in my hometown.  However I decided to go with CK at Stanford because in July I wanted a facility with more experience and I feel very comfortable with the team there.  I had my treatment at Stanford in August and am very pleased with the results so far.

You may want to post questions to the doctors at the CK forum.  They are very good in offering advice and very responsive.  They helped me with my decision as well as my doctors and many others on the board.  So, please please ask all your questions to your satisfaction.  You need to make informed decision!

Please do not hesitate to contact me in the forum or even send me personal mail if you prefer.

Take care,


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