ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => Hearing Issues => Topic started by: ombrerose4 on January 29, 2010, 10:05:00 pm

Title: BAHA post
Post by: ombrerose4 on January 29, 2010, 10:05:00 pm
I had my BAHA implant on 1/4/10. It seems to be healing well according to my dr. and my husband says the site looks good. It is still very tender, mostly around the top half. I also find that I am constantly aware of its' presence and I was wondering what other BAHA users have experienced. How long did it take for you not to 'feel' it? One more thing, the tissue around the top of the implant feels puffy (squishy?). I asked my doc about that but he said it was just the way my tissues are and he didn't seem concerned. Has anyone else had this? I am finding that life after AN is constantly full of new feelings and sensations and every time I think I have adjusted there is something else. I know many other Aner's have mentioned that life after AN surgery is very different, that's an understatement! Don't get me wrong, I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE AND COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS!  Just venting ;D
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: Kencutus on January 29, 2010, 10:28:31 pm
Congrats on the surgery.  Expect to be numbed for quite some time to come.  It might take up to a year or a bit longer.  It depends how much nerve cells doctor has cut away for the Baha site.  As for the tenderness,  Expect that for a short time.  Do listen to your doctor on aftercare.  If he is not that concerned about the puffiness, I wouldn't worry about it.  ;)
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: leapyrtwins on January 29, 2010, 10:48:50 pm
Lauren -

I don't think you are complaining at all, just looking to hear others' experiences.

Ken is right.  You're only a few weeks post op, so the puffiness and tenderness should go away - probably by the time you're ready to start wearing your device/processor (BP100).

If you doctor isn't concerned, that's the main thing.  You're new at this, I assume he's not  :)

I wasn't constantly aware of the presence of my abutment (aka post); at the time of my implant my head was still numb from my AN surgery (although it was 9 months earlier).  And today, even though my head isn't numb anymore, I'm still not aware of my abutment.  It's just second-nature to me; like a part of me that was always there.

You will notice that by the time your site is healed the skin will actually end up being closer to your abutment than it is now.  The depressed area about the abutment - also referred to as a divot by some of us on the Forum - won't be so sunken by the time your 90 days are up.  Your abutment will end up being about 1/8" away from your skull.  I was initially shocked that it was so close to my head and was concerned that my device wouldn't work, but my doc explained that this was exactly how it was supposed to look.

So, have faith.  You're doing fine  ;D


Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: wendysig on January 30, 2010, 12:37:33 pm

If somethiing is on your mind, you should always feel free to ask without feeling like you're complaining.  My head was also pretty numb but I was and still am very aware of my abutment when I lean my head on something and I'm not wearing my sound processor.  No pain or discomfort, I can just tell it's there.  As long as my head isn't touching anything I don't notice it at all.  I also had early concerns and Dr. Choe put me at ease.  If he is not concerned  I wouldn't worry. 

Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: JerseyGirl2 on January 30, 2010, 09:03:20 pm

It sounds as though you're coming along fine following your BAHA implant surgery! And you're certainly doing the correct thing by getting in touch with your doctor if things don't seem quite right; hopefully he can provide some reassurance.

I had resigned myself to having  -- for the rest of my life! -- a numb head, not being able to sleep on that side of my head, and cringing every time the hairdresser got "too close" to the abutment.

That has most definitely not turned out to be the case. The numbness goes away very slowly and gradually ... but it does eventually disappear. I'm estimating that my numbness disappeared completely around one and a half years post-surgery -- one day I just noticed it wasn't numb anymore. The numbness hadn't really bothered me that much, but it is better without it. I roll over on that side of my head now without even giving it a thought (this was another gradual process), and hair appointments are just like they used to be, pre-AN/BAHA. Just be patient and it will happen.

Catherine (JerseyGirl 2)
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: ombrerose4 on January 30, 2010, 10:51:30 pm
Thank you all for your encouragement! I will try to remain patient :)
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: mellowrama on February 05, 2010, 03:40:35 am
I can relate to your healing ssues as mine are very similar, my baha surgery was on nov 12, 2009.  After I got my baha, I think it may have irritated the area even more so I'm not wearing it as often until more healing occurs- many people think that I was wearing it too soon (60 days vs. 90).  It will be a relief for the numbness to go away too.  New hair growth seems to be another potential issue for sensitivity, kinda bristly... I was just thinking about making my first hair appointment since trans/baha surgery - this should be fun!  ;)
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: tenai98 on February 05, 2010, 07:54:43 am
My head is still numb. Baha surgery was Sept 22/09..I just had my Baha turned on...I dont notice the numbness unless I touch my scalp.. But it is not sensitive. Just normal...I just dyed my hair for the first time since Baha surgery. Because it does look like a one isquare inch piece of open skin, I just covered it n vaseline before dyeing it. No problem...Even with the Baha now in place, I dont notice or feel it at all...its like it is not there until I touch it...then it squels...I had to wait 4 months for the device as my doc wanted to make sure the pin was stable...he had one case where the pin fell out after 3 months...He was going to make me wait six months but I'm a fast healer and got it two days ago....wooohoooo
Title: Re: BAHA post
Post by: lori67 on February 05, 2010, 08:17:48 am
I always make sure I warn a new hairdresser that there's a metal thing in my head.  Although it might be fun to watch the look on her face as she's shampooing and unknowingly come across it!   :D

My numbness and sensitivity are gone but it probably took a good year for that to happen.  I've noticed that people doing my hair are more gentle with that area than I am because they assume it hurts, but it doesn't.  As a matter of fact, yesterday I wanted to quickly comb my hair before heading out somewhere, forgot I had my processor on and I was so "not gentle" that I knocked it off and clear across the room!  Oops! 

If the puffiness continues, ask your doctor about a steroid cream called Clobetasol.  I had to use that to keep the area from getting puffy for about the first year or so.  I keep it on hand, but I haven't needed it.  If I notice the area gets irritated at all, I'll put some on at night before bed and by morning it's fine.

The new hair growth was ITCHY!  Why is it you can be numb but still feel the itch??

It gets better.  Just hang in there.