ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: gms on July 27, 2007, 09:24:44 pm

Title: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: gms on July 27, 2007, 09:24:44 pm
 I had a 2.5 cm AN removed July 2004, I a had the translab approach and I am Deaf in my right ear. The past two years or so, I've experienced unusual sensations in my head on the affected side.  It's hard to describe,  but it almost feels like an empty throbbing-pulsating type feeling.  It is very annoying and seems to occur when I'm tired or nervous about something.  If anyone out there can relate, please let me know.  I know people who lose a part of their body, like arm or leg, can have what is called phantom limb pain or sensation, and I wonder if this is similar to that., but in my stiuation, my ear is trying to hear, but can't.  Thanks for reading. I hope someone can help me. 
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: nancyann on July 28, 2007, 02:57:59 pm
Hi gms:  I started having something similar to that - I'm not sure how long ago it started - maybe 3 mos (I'm 13 mos. post op).  Every few days or so I experience a pulsating whoosh sound (no other way to describe it) that feels like it's located dead center at the back of my head from top to bottom.   It is in addition to the constant tinnitus in my AN ear.  It happens any time of the day or night - upon awakening, in the evening.  After maybe 3 minutes it stops.   No idea what it is, don't know if it's what you're experiencing.    Take care,  Nancy
ps: lately I've also been getting, in addition to the constant tinnitus, a sound in the AN ear almost like a can of sand being shook.  (I've got a whole cornucopia of sounds going on !).
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: mema on July 28, 2007, 04:39:11 pm
Hi gyms,                                                                                                                                                                                   

It seems that we all have different types of symptoms going on as well as common ones too.  For myself the movement I get in my head started out feeling like a wave starting at the base of my neck and going to the mid-top of my head It then changed somewhat to a feeling of a worm inching through my head from my An side to about the center of my head.  I always thought it was nerve damage and my doc last visit kind of confirmed it.  But in my situation it only happens at the onset of sleep.  I do get pins and needles in my head often.  I was recently on mobic for another ailment and it helped these spasms in my head  as well as my headaches.  I went off the mobic because it was causing my eyes to burn, and my headaches and head nerve spasms came back.                                                   

Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: redgrl on July 28, 2007, 08:11:07 pm
I've had similar feelings myself. My worst though is getting a throbbing pain behind my ear. It hurts like crazy and comes and goes. Do you have anything like that?
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: Boppie on July 28, 2007, 09:22:37 pm
Head and skull sensations... I've had plenty...squiggling, bug crawling sensations, sore hair, feeling as if there is a pin point sore and then finding nothing, fleeting scalp pains, and sore spots where the incision knots work themselves to the surface.  The strange sensations come and go.  Most of it I attribute to nerves healing in the incision and missfires in the scalp muscles that run up the back of the head.  Sometimes I stop the sensations with a gentle scalp moving massage all over.  Sometimes the massage makes me dizzy.   ::)
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: Crystal on July 31, 2007, 08:13:43 pm
I have one anoying thing that happens often.  Every time I get startled I hear a buzzzt in my AN side; an actual sound and sensation as if my ear was buzzed by a bee.  I hate it but am getting used to it.  I am completely deaf in that ear otherwise, except for occasional tinitus.
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: jimmy r on August 01, 2007, 07:18:02 pm
I had the exact some throbbing when i was stressed like when soemone cuts you off on the highway and you get really mad. It was a very occasional thing for 20 years.
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: Sue on August 04, 2007, 01:25:23 pm
Well, I'm just glad that other people have a hard time describing all the crazy stuff that goes along with having an AN.  I had radiosurgery (GK) and I have various sensations going on around my ear and in my head and I haven't even talked with my family about it because it seems the English language doesn't have the right words to describe it all! If THAT even makes any sense.

Sometimes I have a bit of pressure/mild pain somewhere around my ear.  When I'm tired I sometimes get a sensation on my AN side that feels like it's inside my head that is kind of that sloshing/thripping-throbbing*/shuddering kind of feeling that lasts a second or two.  Like the alien in my head (although sprung from our own cells, it's now an Alien thing) has shifted position or something. Ewwwwwww!  Okay, that doesn't happen. I don't think. Anyway...I am pretty sure it's just nerve stuff going on...but it's disconcerting nonetheless. And I guess, for me, it sort of leaves me speechless, because I have a really hard time describing all this nervy junk going on. It's just weird, I tell ya, weird.  Mostly it's very subtle and mostly mildly annoying...and greatly frustrating.

*See, a new word - thripping. ;)

Sue in Vancouver USA
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: Brendalu on August 06, 2007, 04:32:13 pm
I like the new word "thripping"  kind of descibes a lot of things!!!
Brendalu :-*
Title: Re: unusual feeling inside head
Post by: Sue on August 06, 2007, 07:51:53 pm
Chirping + Throbbing = Thripping??   :D
