ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Crystal on July 26, 2007, 04:57:12 pm

Title: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Crystal on July 26, 2007, 04:57:12 pm

I went to my chiropractor yesterday.  Just started doing this a couple of weeks ago for a stiff neck and he is really doing a great job to losen everything up.

He introduced a new concept to me yesterday that has me feeling very alarmed.  The rumors have been around for a few years and I long ago dismissed them until chatting with him.  I researched a bit and enclosed a couple of articles to share.

He says that many in the medical community are becomming very uneasy with the current SAR (standard absorbtion Rate aka - radiation absorbtion into your brain) from the more powerful cell phones as well as other wireless devices.  He says that it appears to a large growing community of physicians(rather than the smaller number a few years ago)  that wireless devices will be the "cigarette" and "asbestos" of the future in about 10 years.  He says studies are comming in now from Europe and tons of lobbiets are hitting Washington DC to cover stuff up, just like they did with smoking for several years.  Yikes!  Short story is abosolutly limit your kids use of cell phones, in case they are right!  Also there are SAR reduction technology out there which I just bought and attached to my phone(there are also debates on how well those work).  I'm getting one for everybody in my family. ( ( ( (
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: eugd on July 26, 2007, 08:05:11 pm
I believe it, my tumor was on the right side the same side I frequently use to talk on my cell for years...
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Larry on July 26, 2007, 09:39:22 pm
This issue has been debated for a long time and on this forum as well.

I have seen two pieces of research done in Sweden which i think has the highest rate of brain cancer / issues around but don't quote me on that. The results are inconclusive and only marginally point towards a potential issue with analog cell phones (which noone uses anymore).

the problem is that this technology has only been around a short while. If cell phones are the asbestos of tomorrow then we are indeed in deep doo-doo ccoz there aren't too many people in the world that don't have on e of these devices.

Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: jimmy r on July 31, 2007, 08:48:52 am
i wonder if you are ok using a bluetooth.
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Omaschwannoma on July 31, 2007, 09:11:55 am
I never had a cell phone, gone sailing 7 years from the United States (virgin air, no electrical power sources, etc.) and had an AN diagnosed on my left. 
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: matti on July 31, 2007, 06:06:37 pm
I had never used a cell phone prior to my diagnosis in 1998.

But I did grow up in a very loud Italian family, so I always put the blame on them  ;)

Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Crystal on July 31, 2007, 07:51:25 pm
Just think about the number of smokers there use to be.  Everybody in my family smoked at one time except my brother and I.  All of my grandmother's siblings died of emphasema, but they worked on the railroad too.  My dad and my cousin have it now.  Of course I know there are people who don't smoke who do get lung cancer and emphasema.

"They" are trying to get cell phones labled with "may be harmful to your health" "may cause brain tumors".  Of course it is being faught like the d***ens.

Without telling me why, my Chiropracter had me stand and hold out my right arm stiff.  He pushed on it and could not push it down.  Then he took my cell phone and put it in the center of my chest just below my throat.  Then he had me hold out my arm stiff again pushed my arm down and it was like water.  He says it doesn't affect everyone that way.  Some people are more sensative than others.  I tried it on my hubby and it did not affect him.  It did both of my daughters, one 26 and one 14.  They were as shocked as I was.

Try it...
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: TP on August 01, 2007, 06:57:41 am
I've always thought that cell phones were going to be an issue at some point in the future. My AN was on the side that I always used when talking on a headset, cell phone and wireless phone. Now I try to use my speaker phone every chance I get and never put any phone up to my ear unless I absolutely have too. These folks who walk around with those new little cell phones that look like bugs in their ear amazes me. Why do we have to be available to everyone at all hours of the day?   
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Sheryl on August 01, 2007, 08:19:07 am
I'm always saying, "what did we do before cell phones"?  I guess we missed a lot of appointments, got lost quite a bit, and hoped in an emergency that the person who we flagged down wouldn't be "Jack the Ripper".  Personally, my tumor - 9th cranial nerve schwannoma (and my husband's benign meningioma) were found before we started using cell phones about four years ago.  Even now, it's carried with us just for emergencies and important calls that we are awaiting and not at home to receive.  If there is substance to the claims, it would be unfortunate as there are many (my son included) who have given up their "land lines" completely.
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Joef on August 01, 2007, 08:45:32 am
Be careful about the "facts" you read on the internet .. there truth is out there.. but you have to put some of your own reasoning in with it . The internet has more speculation than facts... because ANYONE can create a web page and display their beliefs as facts ...

Think of the web as the worlds biggest mens room wall .. do you belive everything you read ?  :o

while it is true the there was a study and AN could be caused by cell phones.. and was ALSO a study that shows there is no connection .. guess which one gets more press..  from "real" media and the internet... ??? personally .. I could not live... or work .. without my cell phone .. and have no plans to change that ... and ps... my AN issues started long before the age of cell phones...
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Sheryl on August 01, 2007, 12:10:49 pm
Great site to check some of the "wonderful" things we receive by e-mail is:  Before I forward anything on to others that seems "too good or too bad" to be true, I will check Snopes for true or false clarification.
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Omaschwannoma on August 01, 2007, 12:58:03 pm

I believe the "test" performed on you by your Chiropractor is called kinesiology or muscle testing.  I had this done once.  Don't know if there's any truth to this way of testing for sensitivities to food or other substances, but it's fun standing in the kitchen going through the foods you eat and how the body reacts. 
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Larry on August 01, 2007, 04:43:18 pm
Couldn't agree more with you Joe.

Too many vested interests out there.

Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Jim Scott on August 04, 2007, 12:43:03 pm
I don't buy the idea that cell phones cause AN tumors (or cancer).  I think the evidence is scant and conflicting, at best. 

Acoustic neuroma tumors have been seen - mostly in autopsies in the old days - for well over 100 years.  Cancer was also around long before cell phone technology was invented.  I think some folks - especially in the tabloid media - take new, popular technology and old fears and try to wed them for the purpose of sensationalism, hoping to gain readers/viewers/listeners or academic 'prestige'. 

I'm not buying into this cell-phone =AN/cancer premise without a lot more incontrovertible evidence from clearly non-biased sources. 

Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Sue on August 04, 2007, 01:06:04 pm
Interesting debate regarding cell phones.  The consequences of heavy cell phone use may take many more years of study to determine if there really is a risk or not...and in the meantime, more and more people are using cell phones more and more!  I view them as a convenient "emergency" phone to have handy.  I don't use them in place of my regular phone, which is a wireless phone. Don't know if there are any indications of trouble with a wireless phone.  My son and his wife haven't even bothered to put in land line phone and use their cell phone as their primary means of communication and believe me, my dau-in-law is communicating all the time!!  I am very confident that cell phone use had nothing to do with my AN, since I didn't have a cell phone at the time my schwann cells decided to go nuts. I do believe these are caused by a gene that misfires, but I leave the door open that cell phones or other environmental issues might aggravate the situation.  I guess I'm showing my age, but I too, don't quite understand why everyone has to be in instant communication with everyone at anytime.  In certain situations, yes, of course.  But when I see a lady walking down the aisle of Trader Joe's shopping and casually talking with her pals via the thing stuck in her ear, I think...oh come on!  Yeah, I'm getting old!  ;D

Old Sue in Vancouver USA
Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Michael R. on August 12, 2007, 10:08:12 pm
I asked my Dr. about AN's,  they have been around a lot longer than cell phones. It is the better detection capability, MRI's and the like, that have brought tumors like AN to the forefront. And even if they did detect a tumor, they hadn't mastered the skills to remove them in the 50's 60's or 70's. The amount of radiation you get from a cell phone is very very low,
less than a plane trip coast to coast.

Title: Re: The Cell phone debate and my Chiropractor
Post by: Betsy on August 13, 2007, 09:19:12 am
Of all the unlikely things I like to blame my AN on (ex-husband, depression meds, bad jobs), I can't include cell phones.  I carry one for emergencies, but it's hardly ever on.  I think it's human nature to want to know the cause of things though.  Someday researchers will figure it all out and we'll be watching it on the Science Channel.
