Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

Tilted Head

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jimmy r:
I am 41/2 weeks post op and have noticed that I am constantly tilting my head down and to the left ( surgery on right). I have had blurry vision issues which are ok when i am tilted but blurry when i straighten my head. My neck hurts when i straighten my head. Has anybody experienced this?

How do you post your surgery info that i see on the bottom?

From what I remember, to post your surgery info, go into your profile under the signature area.

Hi jimmy r:

leapyrtwins is on your username and then modify profile and add your stuff.

My neck took a long time to straighten out.  That was the only painful part of the whole thing for me.  I used hot wraps on my neck all the time and once I got the ok from my dr., I ran to the chiropractor.  You would not believe how they cock our heads/neck for surgery.  Ouch.  Sorry, I am no help with the blurry vision.

Good luck - Kathy


I had that after my first surgery. I hate to break it to you but both the pain and the double vision resolve after you move your head to the left and to the right. Take Advil and move your head, otherwise, you get headaches. That is why after the second surgery I move mine otherwise the old scar hurts and I get tension headaches. Best wishes to you,


jimmy r:
i saw a chiropractor today. he said he got a headache just looking at me. he would only do minor adjustments until i get the ok from my surgeon but he said for sure he can help me. So Jerseygirl, what you are saying is i need to force myself to move my head or my vision will never get better? i sympathize with your frustration. I am 5 weeks post-op and still can't do a whole lot. half hour walks and a few hours of work a day. But iit has been great beach weather so i have been hanging out there soaking up the rays.


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