Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

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I can answer that last question.  The more you post on here, the higher your points go and after 50 you become a jr. member I think.  It just indicates how long you've been hanging around the forum and how chatty you are!!

Sue in Vancouver USA

Thanks for all the welcomes!
Brucifer~ I know I should get an MRI.  I guess I will have to put that on my TO-DO list.  I live in CA, but I'm still 5 hours away from UCSF, and about 6+ hours from Stanford.  Thank goodness they are driveable, I would have hated to have to fly.

Obita-Thanks for the advice!  I had never heard of a nerve test.  That is something that I would like to do.  I just can't get past the fact that the DR said that the facial nerve was left intact.  I just hope it's not too late.  Can nerves just die if they aren't used?  I'm going to do research on that test.  Facial training is also interesting to me.  I guess if I had gotten an MRI, it would have led to a Dr. appt, and things could have been started earlier. 

Yvette~ As far as dealing with ssd, I just deal with it.  It's a bummer when I'm in loud surroundings.  It's hard to hear anyone.  I do like the fact that if I lay on the hearing side at night, I don't hear anything....especially the snoring!  LOL  I guess I'm kind of used to it now.  Sometimes when I have to say "I didn't hear what you said?" one too many times, I get bummed out.  I can't do anything about it, so I just deal with it.  I wish it wouldn't have ended up this way, but I guess it could have been worse.

Have a good week!


Regarding frequency of post-op MRI's... during my pre-surgery briefing the House Clinic (in LA) gave me a checklist that said to do an MRI at one-year post surgery (they would send a postcard reminder).    After the surgery, Dr. Slattery (my doc at House) said he would prefer an MRI at 6-months.  He sent a letter to my local ENT doctor with the outcome of my surgery and a request for an MRI in 6-months.   My local ENT said he would send me a post-card reminder.    So it seems every individual's situation is different, in my case, I expect to get a reminder in another 4 months (but I've already marked my calendar)... ha ha..

Regarding where you get the MRI.  Some where in one of these forums someone posted about the cost of MRIs.  There are centers that do MRIs, CT Scans, etc., as a comercial type operation (not inside the hospital).  They offer lower prices....  maybe it's more convenient to do an MRI locally, send the results to the doctor, and then travel for the office visit...

My face is giving me problems too.   I'm only 7 weeks post-op, but the left side of my face is numb, I can't smile or scrunch my nose, and when I'm tired, I start to slur when I talk.   The doctor said it might be some post-op swelling or stress on the nerve.    They said when I first came out of aneststhia (sp?) in the ICU, I had the facial movement, so they're sure it's not permanent.... the thing about nerves is... they take a long time to get better.   Keep asking questions...  hopefully, you can get some good answers from the doctor.  OTO

Hey Jackiesue, I had a lot of trouble in loud places too. My custom earplugs filter out background noise, but I can still hear my husband speak to me from across a restaurant table. I love my plugs. I can walk on the treadmil, have the box fan blowing at high (ie: loud) speed on me, and still hear the tv just fine. Maybe they'd help you too:-)   Yvette

Yvette, what kind of earplugs do you have?  I wonder if they would be helpful in the classroom when I teach .  Thanks, Margaret


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