Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

Facial Palsy

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YAHOOOOOOOOOO! Patti, just what I wanted to hear....I'm half smiling as I type....LOL :)


I also had total facial paralysis after surgery.  My facial nerve is intact, but it was severly stretched.  My first movement came at three months, but you would measure it in millimeters.  I'm nearly two years now and I can make a smile.  I don't think most people notice it now, especially those that had not known me before.  I'm still getting twinges so I hope I continue to get improvement.  Gains are measured in months.  I did return to work as a teacher two months after surgery.  People around you adjust to how you look.  I find that most other people are really too wrapped up in themselves to really notice how different we are.  A confident attitude helps to overcome the physical looks.  Good luck to you.


Hey Justin,

 I don't post on here much but felt I should share my experience with you a little. It took me 5 mnths to get my first movement. I work as an Administrator for a dental practice. I went back to work with my paralysis, boy was it hard. I didn't think I could do it. I really had no interest but my job needed me. I was very insecure at first. Especially because I wore a clear patch over my eye for several months. Anyways, I think getting back into your routine helps you not focus on your face so much. Trust me- I am no saint. I don't have a normal smile yet so I don't smile in public. My upper lip will raise but my lower lip has been the same since day one. I am trying to let you know it is different for everyone so give it some more time. Good luck.


neal r. lyons:
Hi Justin.  I'm also encouraged by the posts and the need for patience.  Truthfully, I must admit that when I went into surgery I was not aware that my facial nerve would not be functioning post surgery.  The reason is that obviously my research was not thorough enough, and I had assumed that facial nerve preservation would not result in what turns out to be extensive facial nerve recovery.

That being said, each case appears to differ regarding facial nerve function.  You cannot know what it will be like on the other side.
I can't say that it would have changed my mind anyway, but knowledge is power for everyone. 

Recovery sounds like day to day and month to month but it appears we have alot to be optimistic about!  Take care and keep us posted.  Neal


I am 4 weeks post op (middle fossa approach) - Excellent nerve function until last Friday-
Woke up with facial tingling - as the day progressed the tingling and symptoms got worse....could not close left eye- smile on left side drooped, tonque tingling on left side.....Called physicians ( 360 miles away) and he diagnosed Bells Palsey- RX high dose prednsione and famvair....Follow up appointment Monday so I will know more then.  My concern is the left eye is 4 times larger than the right.  I look cock-eyed and it hurts....Any-one out there have any sugestions.
Take care and keep us all posted



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