Post-Treatment > Balance Issues

Balance improvement translab or Gamma knife

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Recently diagnosed 2.5 cm with symptoms of hearing loss and balance issues.  I've ridden dirt and mountain bikes for 20 years.  I would like to do Radiation because of the less invasive nature, but willing to do surgery if my balance ultimately improves to prediaganoses levels.

Would appreciate hearing from anybody who had balance issues when diagnosed and what percentage their balance recovered after radiation or translab surgery?

From what I can gather, balance does return. Not because your vestibular nerve is better, but because it is no longer giving varying signals. Look up central compensation to learn a bit about how the brain can operate with only one vestibular system. This is the case regardless of treatment; surgery, radiosurgery and observation. There is however a period of time after surgery to relearn.

Hi, Pcurry:

I had horrible balance before getting CK (CyberKnife) treatment: Vertigo attacks and oscillopsia (check it out on Wikipedia, if you don't know what oscillopsia is) for years, along with general disequilibrium and "wonky-head" on relatively good days. Since getting CK, my balance has recovered around 97%, subjectively, and I am able to do virtually all the outdoor sport activities I could before. My doctor, Steven Chang, thought my improvement was due to my tumor eventually shrinking after my treatments (after first swelling in reaction to the radiation), thereby putting less pressure on my balance nerve. Just be aware that not everyone who gets CK has an improvement in balance. YMMV.

Good luck, and best wishes,

Before and after CK balance 100% perfect. After retro sig surgery balance zero! 5 months of physical therapy it's much better maybe 85% and expect it to get better. Good luck.

I want to thank everyone for replying.  Fractional radiation early may will follow up on balance issues as I progress.


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