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Criteria for returning to work?

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Little Sister:
Mu husband's surgery was 3/6/07. He is going to OT, PT and Speech. Will probably be released from the OT and Speech next week. Doc. appointment with surgeon is May 15.
He is wanting to return to work and thinks the doc will ask me if I think he is ready. I really don't think so,however I don't want him to think I don't think he is improving----because he is.( does that make sense?) anyway what advise can someone give me, or share opinions with me.

Hi Library Lady:

My surgeons asked me when I wanted to go back to work.  Everyone is different.  I would recommend part time at first if that is possible.  The fatigue the first few weeks back was my biggest problem.  Going back to work is very good for the brain.  I was also overwhelmed when too much was thrown at me.  It all gets back to normal in time.  I will admit that I was worried the first two weeks:  will I be able to do this?  Yes, I can.  Sometimes I need to check and double check things I could have done in my sleep before but no one knows this but me and my fellow ANers.

Best of luck to your hubby, Kathy

The surgeon will need to know how he would handle driving and the physical aspects of his work situation, his balance ability, recovery symptoms, etc.  Most surgeons handle "the news" very well.  Has your husband visited his workplace?  This experience might give some clues for you.

Yes a very good question - and in many ways no easy answer
It does really depend on how far his health has changed as a result
of all the treatment
In terms of "how soon" you might look at ways to reintroduce
"stress/travel/people interactions - but gradually....
and see how the reactions go.
If you find a long weekend drive, or a weekly shopping trip
leaves him exhausted - then maybe not yet
Remember a failure now might make life rather harder in the future
- also given that his work may only allow so long - its a fine balance
I advise, think carefully, and dont rush
Best regards

I had surgery out of state, and had to fly home.  I took a few weeks, to just recouperate, spiritually, mentally and physically.  Then, I got bored.  So I tried to go back full force, a mistake, and just put myself out of commission for like a week after that.  The stress, and just the fatigue were too much for me.  Thereafter, I went part time for 2-3 weeks, and resumed my normal workload after that.  I would agree that everyone is different. 

I work in an office, and even still would recommend part time at first if that is possible.  That's just smarter, especially if he's able to do so.   RON


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