Watch and Wait > For those in the 'watch and wait' status

Dropped right cheek


Need input not sure what happened, my right cheek is dropped.. 50 years old and a history of weight gain and loss… is there a procedure that could fix this?… I don’t think I can attach picture?

It would seem like good medical advice from doctors is the first step.

Hi AutumnDawn!

I'm sorry, but I am a little confused.  Are you saying that your dropped right cheek is related to an Acoustic Neuroma?  I have not heard of that before, but it never ceases to amaze me the different symptoms that an AN can cause.  If yours is related to an acoustic neuroma, then can you tell us where you are in your treatment?  Have you been diagnosed with an AN?  Are you in Wait and Watch protocol?  Have you had surgery or radiation for your AN?  What has your specialist said about your dropped cheek?

If you do not have an acoustic neuroma, these forums specialize in acoustic neuromas in particular.  I won't say that someone here could not be helpful to you, but the focus of these forums are particularly for those with ANs.

Best wishes on your journey!


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