ANA Discussion Forum

Watch and Wait => For those in the 'watch and wait' status => Topic started by: jerseyboy on July 14, 2010, 07:05:26 pm

Title: Herbal Formula
Post by: jerseyboy on July 14, 2010, 07:05:26 pm
Has anyone heard of Zyflamend?  It's made by a company called NewMark.  A doctor I know (a chiropractor, to be discounted?) swears it stops tumors from growing, whether cancerous or not.
It's suposedly "the #1 selling herbal formula for healthy inflammation response".
Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: annamaria on July 14, 2010, 08:22:45 pm
Go to

and type in name of drug in the search field and hit enter.

Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: leapyrtwins on July 14, 2010, 09:48:52 pm
Hate to be a naysayer, but this is not going to make an acoustic neuroma stop growing.

I also doubt that it will make any other tumor stop growing either.


Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: Jim Scott on July 15, 2010, 01:48:19 pm
Jerseyboy ~

I agree with Jan.  These herbal 'drugs' may have some value but I seriously doubt that Zyflamend is going to have any real effect on stopping the growth of an acoustic neuroma.  Here's a link to a brief overview of Zyflamend on the Sloan-Kettering cancer center website (  They claim that "more studies are warranted.", which is code for "unproven".  Do with that information as you see fit.

Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: jerseyboy on July 18, 2010, 08:10:29 am
Thanks, guys.  I do think I'll stay with proven methodologies when it comes to my health.
Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: Mickey on July 18, 2010, 09:45:53 am
I`m not here to promote anything. I am here to mention some results from what my wife and myself have experienced over the last few years. To start with my wife her last yearly MRI in June has once again shown a reduction in tumor size. Her Dr. has been amazed and just say stay the course, see you next year. As for me going into my fifth MRI in August with all the rest so far "stable". I`m not going to jump the gun but I actually do feel a little better since last year. I have mentioned what we have done in our diets, supplements and lifestyles and really can`t attribute anything else to what has happened so far. Keeping the faith, prayers! Best wishes, Mickey
Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: AIteach on July 29, 2010, 03:53:37 pm
I am also not here to promote any particular product as Mickey stated.  Just to let you know that my husband takes that  product and it has helped him with inflammation in his knees and elbow.  I never thought about how it might help with a tumor.  Apparently some doctors have and have been doing studies, but specifically on prostate cancer.  I think what Mickey has to say is important.  Any way we can keep our body as strong and healthy is important.  I have been eating healthy for a long time.  I've recently started exercising again as middle age has convinced me that I can't stay in shape by simply breathing anymore (I was a lucky one in my youth)  We want to keep ourselves healthy so that our body has the best chance of recovery; either by self-healing or healing from treatment.  The company that markets Zyflamend is a reputable and reliable supplement manufacturer.  By all means if you don't have any of the contraindications, give it shot.  I don't know if it can cure, but who doesn't want to feel the best they can.  Just my two cents worth.  Good Luck!
Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: Lizard on July 30, 2010, 08:01:51 am
I agree that it probably has some inflammatory properties, but can't say that it will stop tumors from growing...I take turmeric extract for the same reasons and not sure if it helps, but even if it is all in my head I'll keep taking it. 
I say give it a try...
Title: Re: Herbal Formula
Post by: Mickey on July 30, 2010, 08:32:41 am
Tumeric is just one of the supplements in the cocktail we take every day. Who knows what works or dosen`t on every individual. What makes Best wishes some respond and some not?  In any case I do believe I am having a favorable response and know for sure my wife is. My next (5th) MRI and audio are coming in a few weeks. I guess other than feeling pretty good this is my guidline. Best wishes, Mickey