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Just diagnosed!

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Hi!  I just found out yesterday I have a 4cm acoustic neuroma and will meet with a surgeon on Tuesday!  I just started having difficulty hearing about two/three months ago.  I am very frustrated that it grew this large over several years, but I never had any prior problems with hearing, balance, etc.  Even with the AN, I have been able to run every day, go to work, drive, etc.  I am 35 years old and do not have any major health problems.  I am amazed I do not have more severe symptoms with such a thing inside my head!

I am very scared about permanent facial paralysis.  Have any of you had an AN this large and remained more or less unscathed after surgery?

I just don't know what to expect; I've never had surgery before.

Thanks so much in advance!  :)

Hi janitorx and welcome -

Sorry you have an AN but we are glad you found us.  You will be too!!

My AN was 2.5 cm and it came out easy.  I had some facial temporary facial weakness that happened about 12 days post op.  It is normal.  I did have all sorts of facial twitching prior to surgery because my facial nerve was stretched from the AN.

Size does matter but so does the location.  If your AN is not messing with the
facial nerve, you could luck out.  Most people don't have permanent facial paralysis. 

Stay positive and good luck with your appointment.  It is VERY OK to ask how many AN surgeries the surgeon has done and what the outcomes have been with his/her prior patients.  Experience with this type of tumor is everything.

Are you in the USA?  With any luck, one of us will live near you and know your surgeon. 


Hi janitorx,

I had a very large tumor removed in 2 stages. Before the first surgery (like you, this was my first surgery ever), I had no hearing loss, some tinnitus, and some balance problems. After the 2 surgeries, I am deaf on the affected side and have a dry eye. I have no facial paralysis whatsoever. So, good outcomes do happen!

Feel free to ask questions. There a great number of people here who are supportive and eager to help ;D

Best wishes,


Thanks so much!

I will get to pick up my MRI images tomorrow morning.  I guess I really won't know about where it is located until I see the surgeon on Tues.  My surgeon has a pretty impressive CV.  Still, I will make sure I have a list of questions typed out this weekend. 

I would be very surprised if it was not pressing against the facial nerve--it's pretty large.

I'm totally fine with complete deafness in the affected ear; I can and will adjust.

I just started having some facial numbness yesterday, but I wonder if it is psychosomatic.

I'm screwed--I just know it.   :'(


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