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Tinnitus question?

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Hi everyone  :),

This is my fiirst posting. I had my acoustic neuroma removed 7 weeks ago. I had tinnitus prior to my surgery but now it is louder and has a different tone. I notice now that after mowing my lawn for the first time post-op it has gotten louder. Will the loudness decrease with time?

I was suggested my ENT to have a TRT consult. I was wondering if this will work seeing as my tinnitus is now louder and will get louder with more exposure.

My tinnitus was there pre op in a nighttime buzzing form.  Immdediately post op, I developed a new louder T; hissing/jingling, sound induced tinnitus.  The louder the noise, music, or voice, the worse my tinnitus.  I've accepted it and the "thing" I will have to live with.  I learned to ignore the tinnitus and it is manageable most of the time.  To avoid exposure I use ear an plug when I am around loud speakers, tools, and motors such as lawn mowers.  The annoyance and jangled nerves settle down after I have a rest in a quiet place.  On days when I have too much caffeine the T seems worse.

From my reading I have learned this...Tinnitus stays and the more we pay attention to it , the worse it seems.  We aren't crazy, we have a problem that medical science has not found a cure for.  Apparently tinnitus is a remembered response to sound and it is inside the brain.  It is common to many people with normal good hearing in both ears.  So we are not alone.

If you google tinnitus you'd find all sorts of "cures".

Perhaps your tinnitus will settle for you or you will settle for it.  :)

Hi Nik, My T got better about a month after surgery, but has not gone away completely. Wearing custom- made ear plugs helps greatly. I wear them in both ears even though I'm SSD (keeps those sound waves off my ear drum). Do you still have hearing in both your ears? Yvette

Thanks for the tips bout wearing ear plugs. I will try to get the ones muscians use. Apparently the are better than the drug store brand.

I lost quite a bit of hearing on my an side. It was at 74% preop and has gone down quite a bit post-op. I have`nt had another audiogram yet, but at least I can still tell where sounds are coming from.


Hi Gerry,
Well it's great that you can tell where sounds are coming from as I do not have a clue where anything is coming from....someone can call my name and I start looking around.  If I lose my cellphone in the house, I used to be able to dial it from the house phone and find it but now it's just like it is ringing all over the house as I search from room to room.  Most or a lot of the people on this board that have single sided deafness are unable to tell where noises are coming from so I guess my problem is not unusual. When I decide on what type of hearing aid to get that may help my situation. 

Your surgery was exactly 2 months after mine and it sounds like you are doing great so soon after surgery.  My tinnitus has changed since my first it didn't seem as loud but when I am tired or if I have too much caffeine I can really tell a difference.  Time does heal lots of things and some things take longer to become adjusted to than others. 


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