ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Tracy Lynn on May 23, 2010, 08:09:12 am

Title: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on May 23, 2010, 08:09:12 am
I'm so glad to hear everyone's surgery went well. I got home yesterday but haven't managed to update until now.

My surgery went really well. roughly 7 hours. I don't recall much from ICU except complaining to the nurses that my hips were tilted in the bed. I was lucky with my facial nerves, as there doesn't seem to be any damage. Small amount left behind to support the nerve.

I did have some major issues with nausea, even with the meds, but each day I'm getting a bit better with that.

My incisions are looking pretty good, not much pain in either.

I understand that the wonkyheadedness is here to stay for awhile, but I think thats the most difficult thing to get used to. I feel like I have a pound of cotton stuffed in my head.

Thank you to all for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes, will post more soon I hope.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Kaybo on May 23, 2010, 08:39:34 am
Glad to hear that all went well...

K   ;D
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: moe on May 23, 2010, 10:16:24 am
Excellent news!
Now please, please, take it slow and steady.
Lots of rests, naps, gentle walks increasing as you feel better, and drink lots of fluids!
Let us know how you continue to heal :)
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: sgerrard on May 23, 2010, 10:16:57 am
Good news, Tracy. Rest, sleep, nap, and repeat. You need some recovery time!

Get well soon.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Jim Scott on May 23, 2010, 01:45:15 pm
Hi, Tracy ~

Congratulations on your successful AN surgery!  The post-op nausea is temporary.  I expect that you're going to have a splendid recovery.  Rest well and post when you can. We'll be here.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Ellenmn on May 23, 2010, 03:51:49 pm
So glad to hear things went well and I hope the wonkies go away soon
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Lizard on May 23, 2010, 03:53:59 pm
Its so great to hear from you and I'm thrilled you have come over to the other side with few problems. 
Rest and relax!
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: iluuvpups on May 23, 2010, 04:21:14 pm
Congrats on getting through your surgery!  Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: jennifer7 on May 23, 2010, 07:45:18 pm
I'm so glad everything went well.
Now its your turn to rest and let others take care of you ;)
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: patt on May 23, 2010, 08:49:32 pm
Tracy ---

Congrats that your surgery is over.  One more giant step is over -- hope you have a speedy recovery.  Take is easy  -- listen to all the friends that have been thru this surgery --- sounds like REST is what you need.

I am just about ready to start my treatment ---"FSR"!!   Hope to get the call any day.

Patt from Minnesota
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Wik1350 on May 23, 2010, 11:44:32 pm
So glad everything went so well...relieved 
to hear!  I have been anxiously awaiting your good news!  Less than 2 weeks for me!

Happy resting!

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 25, 2010, 07:01:34 am
Welcome to postie land!!  ;D

Glad to hear all went well.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Denise S on May 25, 2010, 10:17:39 am
Hi Tracy,  glad to see your post and hope you're feeling well!!

Take care & Best Wishes!
Denise (MI)
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: kenneth_k on May 25, 2010, 11:01:18 am
Hi Tracy.

I just wanted to congratulate you on a succesfull surgery and I hope your recovery goes well.

Best regards, Kenneth
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on May 25, 2010, 10:01:04 pm

Jean Claude's emergency exit.

Stitches come out tomorrow, looking forward to it. I've been very blessed to have everything go so well. Thank you everyone for the prayers.
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: moe on May 26, 2010, 10:34:22 am
Nice incision you got there :)
Once you're all healed up people will never know you had brain surgery. Milk it for what it's worth while you can!!
 Do you wear your hair long, normally?
I'm so glad that you are doing well. Remember to listen to your body now and remember to pamper and spoil yourself as much as possible, or have others do that for you. ;)
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Lizard on May 27, 2010, 07:09:25 pm
Yep remember the saved head and the incision, looks good!
Keep on healing up  :D
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: CHD63 on May 27, 2010, 08:03:52 pm
Tracy ......

Looking good!  Hopefully the stitches came out today and you are feeling much better!

As soon as you can, walk as much as you can, but rest as much as you can .....  Just listen to your body and do not push beyond reasonable limits.  At this point, rest is as important as exercise.

Best thoughts and prayers for continuing good recovery.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: sues1953 on May 30, 2010, 08:01:47 am

I'm so glad you are doing well.  I have an incision that looks just like yours  :).  OMG I had to laugh when I read the cotton stuffing comemt.  I acturally had my husband look in my ear and take out all that cotton they packed in there.  Well as you know there was nothing there.  I do think it is getting better.  I am still having bouts of nausea but I have medication for that.

My prayers are with you.  Keep posting.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: 4cm in Pacific Northwest on May 30, 2010, 08:15:50 am
Incision looks good. 8)

Facial nerve in tact and functioning is FAB!  :)

Wonky Head will eventually ease up...

I remember the cotton stuffed ear sensation :-\  ... but know I do NOT have it now... so it did dissipate...

I am so pleased to read the good outcome for an XL tumor removal.  :) Know we are ALL here for you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope you are up walking soon. Know that if you are woozy turning corners- this is normal... I had that (as many others) ... now it is gone.

Healing Happens. Stay positive but know in those rough spots we are here... and venting on this website any frustrations is totally ok here too.

Wellness Wishes from Oregon to you,

DHM  :)

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on May 30, 2010, 12:00:02 pm
Had my first official reality check today :)

Yesterday I was on top of the world, I went walking early in the morning and felt like a million bucks. I did all my vestie exercises and felt so steady that I decided I'd try to drive my car around the corner. My parents live in a very quiet neighborhood. I felt so normal! I was certainly more cautious driving than usual, but I was comfortable turning my head in all directions and I had a good bearing on the road. I'm not ready to drive in traffic or cross-town, but I considered it a success.

When I got home, I did the dishes and a load of laundry and was pretty tired. I didn't sleep very soundly. This morning I woke up too early and felt like I'd been punched in the head with wonkyness and tiredness. I figured as much, but I had to try. After a few hours this morning, I went back to bed and took my first nap in 4 days. I woke up feeling so much better.

I'm not going to continue to push my luck, so I will take it easy today. I don't regret pushing myself yesterday. I needed the sense of accomplishment for my morale as I was starting to feel very pathetic and down.

My goal is go to my own home either tomorrow or Tuesday. I am feeling rather homesick and I crave my own bed and independence. I know I couldn't have made it the past week without my family's support, I need to start doing things on my own.
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Jim Scott on May 30, 2010, 12:50:27 pm
Tracy ~

Kudos to you for doing things that help your self-confidence (like driving).  You're clearly  perceptive enough to know when to slow down and rest (which is crucial in the early stages of recovery) but the normal need and desire to regain your independence coupled with your initiative should move your recovery right along.  Well done!

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: sues1953 on June 03, 2010, 06:30:44 am
Wow Tracy good for you  :)  I want to drive soooo bad but will probably wait until the Dr. gives me the OK to be safe.  I am very lucky to be in  my own home, doing small things to judge my progress.  I was so glad to hear that the cotton head thing is temporary it does feel so weird.  My main complaint is not sleeping, even though I feel tired.  I tossed and turned last night until around 2 and finally got up and took a sleeping pill.  I do feel much better in the morning when I am rested.

I was suprised that your stitces came out so soon, I kinda begged the Dr. to take mine out when I saw him on Tuesday, that was day 12 and he wouldn't do it.  I thought it would be a good thing especially if they are irritating the incision.  OH well  ::)

I am praying for your continued healing.  Keep us udated and I hope you are able to go home soon.  Sue
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: leapyrtwins on June 03, 2010, 06:56:53 am
Tracy -

it sounds like your recovery is right on track.  Sometimes recovery from AN surgery is one step forward and two steps back;  bad days are often intertwined with the good days.  But this too shall pass  ;D

I found that the fatigue lasted forever - or at least it seemed that way  ::) - but in time you'll get past it.  Until then, listen to your body - you'll find it's very good about telling you when to slow down - and get some rest.

Sue -

timing of removal of stitches is one of those "doctor things".  Mine were removed 9 days post op, but that's just my doc's protocol.  I'd imagine that lots of docs have their own protocols.


Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on June 04, 2010, 10:24:28 am
Wow Tracy good for you  :)  I want to drive soooo bad but will probably wait until the Dr. gives me the OK to be safe.  I am very lucky to be in  my own home, doing small things to judge my progress.  I was so glad to hear that the cotton head thing is temporary it does feel so weird.  My main complaint is not sleeping, even though I feel tired.  I tossed and turned last night until around 2 and finally got up and took a sleeping pill.  I do feel much better in the morning when I am rested.

I was surprised that your stitces came out so soon, I kinda begged the Dr. to take mine out when I saw him on Tuesday, that was day 12 and he wouldn't do it.  I thought it would be a good thing especially if they are irritating the incision.  OH well  ::)

Sue, I definitely feel your pain of the not sleeping although tired. Since surgery, I have fallen into sleeping between 10-midnight and regularly waking up between 3-4am and not being able to fall back asleep. Even after weaning off the painkillers and valium I haven't managed to sleep through the night yet. Last night I purposely kept myself up until 1:30 am, I slept so soundly that I woke up in the same position I fell asleep at 7:30am.  I do so hope this evens out soon :) .

I too was a bit surprised at how soon the stitches and staples came out, I'm sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with yours. It sounds painful :( .
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on June 04, 2010, 10:48:07 am
Thanks Jan. I try not to run before I walk, but its a deep character flaw. I definitely acknowledge that I have been educated by my body on when I've pushed too far.  I still get overwhelmed by the sensory overload of walking into the grocery store. I clutch the shopping cart with a firm grip and occasionally have to pause and close my eyes.

I don't get as physically tired, but the mental fatigue certianly sneaks up on you.

I am still really excited by the progress, I came home Tuesday and I'm pleased as punch to be independent. I was worried about living on my 3rd floor apartment, but I haven't had problems with the stairs. I do pause and count to 10 after each set before I continue.

I have used the search function here so much. Biotene products have become a saving grace. It seems like the dry mouth gets more persistent. It feels like my mouth is never as clean as it was with a pre-op brushing/flossing/rinsing.

 I am trying not to get discouraged by the lack of flavor my favorite foods have. I miss the familiar taste of my Diet Pepsi addiction. I have convinced myself that the taste loss is beneficial a way of counterbalancing the chance of weight gain from the steroids. I look forward to finishing the steroids soon.

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on June 04, 2010, 11:03:17 am
Ack, I keep thinking of things after I post. Sorry to spam this thread!

I'm surprised at how quickly it seems like the hair around my incision is growing. I'm not really vain, but I'm kind of self-conscious about it in public, so I wear my hair down more even though its getting hot and sticky outside. I was at Walmart the other day and saw a guy walk by with half of his head shaved and a similar S incision behind his ear. It made me wonder.

My friend told me that she's kidnapping me tomorrow morning to go to the hairdresser. I had told her that I planned on going in two weeks or so to get a new style. I'm pretty excited, although I'm sure to get an earful from the hairdresser about my impromptu hair color change prior to surgery.

I got the itemized bill from the hospital, and apparently I have a mesh plate and 4 screws. Although the incision has healed so well, I do have a small dent behind my earlobe that is a bit sensitive. By using the Search function on this board, I see that seems normal. Around the top of my ear I have a small bumpy ridge that is still pretty sensitive that prevents my glasses from sitting straight/comfortably. I recall in the ICU telling my mother that I think they sewed my ear on crooked.

Although I had so much hearing loss presurgery, its still baffling to me to not have any hearing whatsoever on my right side. Pre-op I invested in a new alarm clock with one of those vibrating discs that you slip under your pillow or mattress. Although I almost wet myself the first time it went off,  I have gotten quite used to it and would be lost without it.
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: knakag01 on June 04, 2010, 11:27:56 am
It sounds like you are dong wonderfully and I am so happy to hear it!! Your positive attitude is inspiring!

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: sues1953 on June 04, 2010, 01:43:58 pm
Hi Tracy,

I enjoy reading your posts to find out how well your doing. A new hair style sure sounds like fun.  I keep painting my toes a different color everyother day just to keep myself amused.  My good friend came over today and helped me with a long walk ( I can't belive how I hung on to her) but anyway she loved my purple with sparkles toes, I had to laugh and tell her that they were green yesterday  :o.

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble sleeping too, I don't like taking the Ambion but I do as a last resort.  I have been off steriods for a few days now and thought that would help but it hasn't seemed to so far.  I am used to being very active and busy and it  may just be the slow down.  I think I am mentally exhaused but physically not tired, somthing like that .

My stitches are coming out on Tuesday, they still look pretty irritated though, swelling and redness, there really iisn't any pain because it is so numb.  The mesh plate and screws sounds interesting.  Did you know ahead of time about that?   The Dr. made a joke about taking a pound of fat out of my belly and putting part of it in my head and and throwing the rest away.  He said he didn't charge me any extra either ;D. 

Well take care and keep us posted.    Sue
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Cheryl R on June 04, 2010, 05:16:30 pm
I remember with my first surgery feeling like it took me maybe a month to get over taking the steroids and that was with taking them in the hospital only.          The rest of the surgeries didn't seem quite as long.    So it will vary with everyone but still may feel some effects for a time.        Sounds like it is going like usual for the recent posties!     Always good to hear!
                                                    Cheryl R
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Tracy Lynn on June 05, 2010, 08:48:00 pm
Tomorrow is the last day of steroids yay! I think today was a "rebuilding" day. I haven't napped in a few days (mostly because I can't fall asleep), and yesterday I think I was overly tired. This morning I went to the hairdresser and felt pretty pampered. We discussed it for awhile and I ended up going chin-length. I think I'll go shorter once the shaved patch grows in a bit more. The hairdresser did say that they were donating all cut hair to go to the gulf to assist in making absorbent buoys for the oil, which I think is pretty cool.

Tonight is a friend's college graduation party, and hard as it was to say no, I don't regret it. Today is the first day in awhile that I had a nasty headache. I didn't feel like doing much of anything but lying in a dark, quiet room.

Sue- I love the toenail polish idea! I think I will try it tomorrow. I'm sorry to hear about your stitches, that sounds sensitive! The surgeons explained to me the potential hardware, but also told me that until day of surgery, it was uncertain how much hardware was necessary. I like your doctor's sense of humor. Although its a minor amount, I have noticed that where they did the belly incision my pants fit differently now. I keep putting mederma around the staple area because it looks so Frankenstein-ish.
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: Lizard on June 06, 2010, 09:18:47 pm
Just replied to the note you left for Sue, and then read this yes hopefully your sleeping patterns will normalize quickly after stopping the steroids.  Also, the chin length was much easier to handle the "undergrowth" as I affectionately called it. 
Hopefully your headache eased up a bit before the party, hopefully you didn't stay too too long.

Take care,
Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: sues1953 on June 08, 2010, 06:55:39 am
Hi Tracy,

I kind had a bad day on Saturday, I was suppose to go to a graduation party and I think the anxiety alone layed me low.  I had to miss it  :(.  I have felt better since.  I seem to get a mild hedach in the afternoon toward evening but a couple of excedrine take care of it.

I do hope that your headach is gone and its just the healing process.  Are you driving yet?

Title: Re: Woahh Postiie
Post by: cin605 on June 08, 2010, 11:22:50 am
Ohhh I remeber the major anxiety going any where public......its the sensory overload deal......your brain and eyes and feet are all learning to co-ordinate w/o the blob in your head.It does get better.Take the time to heal and say "No,Sorry i can not possible make it"when you have to.Its all about YOU right now.Thoughts and healing prayer your way!