Post-Treatment > Headaches

anyone finally get burnout?

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My pain doctor claims the nerve that is constantly firing and causing pain (from being entrapped in a scar neuroma) will likely eventually "burnout." This is hopeful news! Has this happened to anyone here? He also says in about five years pain management for cases like ours will be much improved.   
Let me know....

terracota, i have not heard of this, but i hope you have "burn out" real soon!

Captain Deb:
Between years 3 and 4, I noticed much improvement, like going from being in bed howling  most of the time, to actually functioning fairly well. At year 3 1/2, I also finally found a doc who specializes in non-narcotic pain management. When i do get a headache, the pain is different--not that searing intense kind, but more like a dull ache--hence supporting the "burnout " theory. Also, my headaches always started in my incision area.  Hmmmm...........

Capt Deb 8)

Hi Denise and Deb,
Yes, the whole idea is hopeful. My pain management doc is Ian Carrol, MD at Stanford PC. He is great. Says there are alot of docs out there trying various surgical approaches but has worries about further injury to the nerve. Like he says, in about 5 years we'll have better options. I'd asked if I'd have to live like this the rest of my life. He says he hopes the nerve will burn itself out.

For me, my trigger points etc fire at me one way or another all the time w/ and without meds (anit-depres. or seizure meds) to some degree. Then there are times (used to be several times per week before I started anti drugs) the pain would excellerate to a migraine type pain, which Dr C says is the firing nerve (ie superior auricular) gets the trigeminal nerve going, which is of course  excruciating. To date, he's found a combination of meds is best because there are differing proteins that get this firing goingl   He tells me to let others know here that are in this boat to make sure you are seen at a Univ based PC.

Hope this helps.

Tell your doctor that his message brought me a lot of hope. It really made my day. I have heard of people getting better around the 3-5 year mark. It is hard to know if the headaches are lessening or the medication is working. I think to really evaluate burnout you would either have to be off medication or notice a difference while on a same dosage and same meds. I have an appointment at the headache clinic on the 13th. I'll ask my doctor some questions on the subject and report back you you all. I wonder what new treatments your doctor is refering to that might be available in 5 years. Hopeful!



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