Pre-Treatment Options > Pre-Treatment Options

Decision Anxiety

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Hello again: it’s in a tough spot so unlikely to get it all. This was a consistent message across 4 surgeons. Maybe I’ll get lucky. I’ll definitely report back.

Opened this post expecting to read about someone like me who's currently going through decision anxiety, so it's refreshing to see a perspective from someone who's a few years post surgery. Thank you for posting!

Thank you for posting this.  My tumor is now growing and all the experts recommend treatment at this time.  I've done much research too, but it's still very difficult which way to go (radiation or surgery).  They both have their pros and cons.  I've had three ear surgeries on the impacted side and don't wish to go through a fourth and most difficult one.  I like the radiosurgery simplicity, but don't want to have dizziness rear its head in the future if I leave the tumor pressing on the adjacent structures.  I currently have a small amount of dizziness in the am hours typically & it gets better after noon.  Lastly, I'd like to save what's left of my hearing as I'm a professional musician & have been for the past 30+yrs.  Very tough decision!  Anyway, thanks again for posting and if anyone would like to reply, please do.

Good luck to all on your journey.

I needed to read something positive like this. I already had radiation 18 months ago and they're already talking about surgery. It's worse than the anxiety I felt when I was diagnosed. I had treatment options then. There's only one option now.  I'm angry and do not want surgery and don't want vestibular rehab again and am tired of my life being run by a tumor.

I know how it feels.  Email me if you'd like to talk.


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