Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

when others disappear in life after a tough medical diagnosis

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Thanks everybody. I guess a recurring them is some people may let you down, but it's best to focus on the people that show up. Maybe somebody you thought was cool but weren't that close too. Maybe a family member you kind of drifted away from. When people let you down, it sucks, but give thanks to those who are there for you, and try to be there for them or others when the time comes.

When others treat you that way they’ve actually done you a favor. They’ve shown their true colors. They never were a good friend. Having been raised in a very abusive family I learned early on how to sever relationships. They’re helping you separate the chaff. I’d rather have one good friend than a bunch of “friends” that you can’t count on or treat you poorly. Those people don’t get it - you don’t need them but they NEED you. When I see people with difficulties emotional, physical or financial I know I could easily be in their shoes. I tell others, “Careful. That could very well be a picture into your future”.  I’m 3yrs post-op and struggling with the side effects and secondary issues that most of us experience. I don’t have the energy or time to deal with the Bevis & Buttheads in life. Just my 2 cents. God bless you all and hang in there!


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