Pre-Treatment Options > Pre-Treatment Options

Surgery vs radiation decision

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I know that everyone is different but on average how long does that take to regain?  That is really what is most disconcerting to me and builds my anxiety, which then spirals the symptoms even more.  Anything I can do, exercises and so on to have it progress more quickly?  Today was a tough day, first time I have had tinnitus around the clock but again, its the balance that makes me most uncomfortable.  Thank you for any guidance you can provide.  I was just diagnosed last week and I am a mess.

I think a couple months for me. A round of steroids may help. I was in Sedona on vacation when my symptoms came on suddenly.

Thank you for sharing your experience, I am sorry that happened while you were on vacation. 

 I have been on prednisone for 20 days and while I am much better (don't need a walker to walk) certainly not myself and don't go far. 

We are supposed to leave in a week for a long ago planned lake vacation where literally 98 percent of our time is on a boat or swimming.  Very anxious and even wondering if I should go.....this is so very debilitating. 

Continuing to follow the thread and thanks to all.

There is not really a bright side to look on, but you know what is causing it. Your tumor is small enough to allow multiple treatment options. While it could be hard moving around, anything is better than sitting around dwelling on it. It is not cancer and it can be treated with a very high cure rate. Surgery obviously is a big step, but radiation is no big deal--done in a half a day, outcomes are similar in both. You might want to check and see if there is any medication you can take to alleviate the dizziness, or if a couple of sessions with a therapist (vestibular?) could help.


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