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Anxiety Attacks ... how do you deal with them?

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i was just recently diagnosed with a 3 cm AN in my left ear ... (1 month ago) ... my surgeon recommeded the restros. / SO approach due to the size. I am getting daily anxiety attacks from thinking of the upcoming surgery (Dec. 5, 2006) Any advice on how to deal with them? Lots of things to deal with: work, house renovations, caring for an elderly parent, estate planning, spending 10 hours a day researching good MD and treatment methods and outcomes .. . should i be taking some anti-depressant / anti-anxiety meds? what about the dizziness? any exercise / diet to help that? Thanks.

Call your doctor...same thing happened to me and I got some Ativan and it worked wonders.   Deep breathing exercises help too, as did some meditation tapes I ordered.  It's very hard waiting for surgery...I waited 4 months, but the last two went by pretty quickly.  Hang in there!!!  We're all here for you to help keep you sane while you wait. 

Anxiety can keep you from sleeping and functioning in a safe way.  Go to your doctor.  Tell him the whole story.  You will be fine.  

My doctors offered help if I wanted it.  I can assure you I talked with other people first hand who took antidepressants and/or sleeping aids before their surgery.  Their outcomes were good.  You will be fine with or without the extra help but why suffer anxiety when you don't have to?.

Take daily walks to help calm you!  Sounds like you have a full plate.  Ask others to help you with the rennovations etc...I know for me I freaked over needing to do some house things that I just couldn't go into surgery without having done so a youth team from my church came to help and after I got my list done, my surgeon picked and my affairs somewhat in order I felt better.  Heck not to mention the steriod rush  LOL 

I want to add since your hearing loss is 5 years old you may be ahead of some folks in regaining balance post-op.  You may have compensated already.  The dizziness you have now could be related to anxiety itself.  Let people help you with the list of "must do".


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