General Category > NF2

One AN and one meningioma


Elena Melnikova:
One AN and one meningioma without NF , are there such people here ? And is there such a combination without NF? I am 44 years old. Please respond! Thanks !

I have an AN, a small trigeminal schwannoma, and a tiny thing that they assume is a meningioma.

I have tested negative for NF2 but can't know for sure until tumors are resected. 

Elena Melnikova:
Thank you for your reply ! Has there been any treatment? And how long have the tumors been detected?

Elena Melnikova:

--- Quote from: cp76 on April 27, 2023, 01:09:09 pm ---I have an AN, a small trigeminal schwannoma, and a tiny thing that they assume is a meningioma.

I have tested negative for NF2 but can't know for sure until tumors are resected.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for your reply! Has there been any treatment? And how long ago were the tumors discovered?


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