General Category > AN Issues

Not sure whats going on now!

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Hi Sam and Susie,

Susie, your An is very tiny if the 2-3 is in millimeters not cm. How was that found I wonder? Regardless,  once one finds it or has one it is something. I do want to say that if I had one that size ( well, I did, I simply didn't know it and i figure it was over 1 cm before I felt certain symptoms that intruded on my daily life and it was found arund the 2 cm mark but isn't it great that mri's can find things sooner than later?) Unless you are having really big symptoms, I'd think that waiting and watching could be a good thing as sometimes Ans never grow after being found and in any case they grow very slowly most of the time. It's rarer that they grow fast.  And Ans are rare so they say.

Do take  time to think this through. If it is indeed a 2-3 mm one then i would think you are not in any hurry.

Hi Sam,

I saw your post now and do want to say that I have been following Adrian's and your posts about his An. It is good to see that you are looking after Adrian's wellbeing ( Hi Adrian! :) )  If I have any advice about your post right now it would be to keep a  cool outlook on his mri that you have been viewing. I can relate to your post as I can remember the  way I felt about my dad's cancer op and then a year later his lung op. Pretty scared even as I did what I could to support him and you know what? He's stille here and doing great ten years later.

Laughter helps in that watching funny vidieos, making jokes and all that helps.(definitely helps the immune system).... Being supportive in any way  whatsoever does help and we know that you are doing much of that. It's wonderful.  I'd say that rather than looking at Adrian's An, your best thing is doing the rest of  what you are doing.   The other good things are that he is active from what I have read and though his An is large at the size posted no one seems to be saying he needs an op this day etc..... that is to his good I am thinking? Plus he and you are looking at  choices for surgery.

It's a hard thing being on the sidelines  I know. But do also know that simply by being here you are doing an awful  lot of good not only for Adrian but also for all who come here and read about An.

Just think how in a month you both have learned so much and travelled such a road. When you make your choice you will find that things settle down. It's the wait before treatment decision  for you that is hard I think.

take care, and put the mri away.....

all the best,

Hi Susie,

With AN's just about anything goes.  I've read posts from folks who have very small ANs like yours and have some pretty significant symptoms, and others who have much larger ANs and didn't know about it until it was several centimeters in size.  When I was first diagnosed, it was hard to tell which symptoms were due to anxiety and which were caused by the AN.  The more I learned, the less anxious I felt and some of the symptoms went away.  I figure the ones that didn't go away were AN related.

Be good to yourself, and follow Tatianne's advice.  A good night's sleep can work wonders.


Thanks everyone..I did take T's advice and went to bed early last night with the help of a "sleepy pill" and do feel better today.  I think I have just been focusing on  this thing too muchl.  I have another appt next week at MD Anderson in Houston and hopefully will be able to get rid of some of the anxiety after that.  I feel like such a baby, as I have read of so many people with so much worse problems and symptoms, but it does help to express them here.  I talk to my friends and family, but they just can't really understand what I'm going through as you all do.  This site is terrific! 
Sam,  Good luck to you and Adrian.


--- Quote from: susie on August 11, 2007, 09:41:26 am --- I feel like such a baby, as I have read of so many people with so much worse problems and symptoms, but it does help to express them here. 

--- End quote ---

I know what you mean, when you read about the bowling balls, your little pea seems like nothing. Then you get a weird symptom, and you realize that the little ones can cause plenty of havoc too, if they are so inclined. I guess it just depends on exactly where the tumor is whether it will cause symptoms when it is small.

I hope your next appt. goes well, and that you can put your AN on the shelf until December.



Don't feel like a baby.  My favorite phrase is "It doesn't matter if your standing in sh?? up to your neck or up to your feet.  It still STINKS!  I think you will be in very good hands with MD Anderson.  I went to MD Anderson in Florida.  Hang in there                               



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