ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Sheryl on September 24, 2007, 02:07:07 pm

Title: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: Sheryl on September 24, 2007, 02:07:07 pm
I know that a lot of people from this board check the CyberKnife board and was wondering if anyone else was having trouble signing on to the message board?  I can get onto their site but not the message portion.  I keep getting an error message, "compilation error".  I tried writing to the administrator, but get an automated reply that I should ask my question to the message board!!!
Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: mhs on September 24, 2007, 02:43:03 pm
I'm getting the same thing.  Maybe they are working on it.
Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: Sheryl on September 24, 2007, 05:01:14 pm
Thanks for replying - glad to find out it's not me or my computer.
Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: ppearl214 on September 25, 2007, 08:30:48 am

I checked and also saw the issues... hoping our other "home away from home away from home" is up and running again shortly.

xoox to you and that gorgeous spouse of your's! :)

Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: Mark on September 25, 2007, 09:24:01 am
I e-mailed Valorie who is the CPSG "webmistress" and she informed me that the provider where the message board is hosted was going through an "upgrade". I'm pretty convinced that the phrase "upgrade" in techy talk is pretty much an oxymoron like "military intelligence". :o  Apparently the programmers with this particular firm haven't figured out how to debug their code in a test environment as opposed to a production one. At any rate, I'm told it should be back up sometime today. Hopefully that wasn't in IT time, otherwise it will probably be early next week  ;D. At least Dr. Medbery and Spunberg get a brief respite from answering posts

Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: Sheryl on September 25, 2007, 01:29:49 pm
Thanks Mark and Phyl - I never realized how much I "click" on that board too.  Just before it went down, I asked a question and a newbie doc answered (Dr. Haase) - very nice fellow and raved about CyberKnife - he's on Long Island.
Title: Re: Trouble with CyberKnife board????
Post by: Mark on September 26, 2007, 11:27:53 am
FYI, it looks like the CPSG message board is back up this morning, so the host site techies must have finally got the upgrade finished.  ;D
