Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

No patience.....................

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Hey are ya pregnant? When I was pregnant I had no patience.

haha I read your other post.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Michelle  ;D

Yeah Michelle. 4 weeks along. Maybe that is why I was losing it on that poor guy at Taco Bell. I just took the preggie test a couple of days ago and my husband and I stared at it for about an hour making sure we were reading it right..........SHOCK@ We would not have made a very good pregnancy test commercial/advertisement for tv! hee,hee. We turned the thinga-ma-jiggy upside down, sideways, right side up and then would leave the room and come back to see if it had changed, etc. Pretty comical.
Now we couldn't be more happy but to get pregnant while faithfully taking birth control was bit of a shocker! My husband said it must have been an immaculate conception since my sex drive bit the dust after surgery! I guess I am just one FERTILE MYRTLE.

Congratulations, Angie!


Okay Michelle.........maybe I would be better off if I were pregnant......but at 68 and no man it seems a bit iffy.When I was young and having babies it was the best......My husband and I welcomed them.......3 wonderful boys......what fun! Now the pleasures of being a grandmother.....what a joy! Certainly all better than this AN situation......husband gone since 1995.....children grown.......still got the grand kids though. Gotta muddle through..........Thanks for the laugh!


Captain Deb:
What Judy said. Times two!

Capt Deb


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