Pre-Treatment Options > Pre-Treatment Options

Ringing In My Ear


         I have this problem because I can't go to sleep because I have an annoying ringing in my ear. Which, I know is one of the symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma. I was wondering if anyone knew how I could go to sleep better without any drugs.

                                           Thank you,

I have trouble sleeping also.  I leave the TV on Sleep mode and I fall asleep.  Also, try running a fan, turned toward the wall, or oscilate so as to not blow directly on you, the noise from that helps also.  I have had the noise for 6 months, and I have a left side AN which I am in wait and watch.  You have to try to ignore that noise.  That is not always easy, but, you need to try, or it will drive you absolutely batty.


Maybe best to avoid the sleeping tablets for now
- the balance issue is unlikely to get better with them
as a compromise some herbal remedies seem to help
while cutting down on the caffine and adittives
seems to work for some
best regards

Melatonin.  This works for me when I'm tossing and turning.  No after effects either.  Valerian works just as well for others.  If you're having difficulty ignoring the ringing, which is very hard, these herbal remedies will help to relax you.  If you are taking other prescription drugs it's best to check and see if they are compatible first.  I remember reading something about melatonin and cholesterol meds???  Anyway, check w/doc.

A fish aquarium is nice! I also wear a black satin mask to bed. During the day, custom earplugs keep the sound waves off my ear drums. Best wishes, Yvette


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