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2MM AN is this for real?

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My husband is 46 yrs old. he had a fairly bad episode of dizziness after a short viral illness last year. now he has had another bout of dizziness & nausea that has lasted about 3 wks. internist sent him for an mri w/ contrast and it came back they suspect a 2mm schwannoma in the auditory center of his brain...which i believe it what is called an accoustic neuroma. we are pretty upset about this diagnosis....could it be a mistake? is the mri ever wrong...could this be an artifact...of some kind?? thanks so much. we are in dallas , tx any good neurosurgeons/ent doctors to recommend? could it be benign paroxysmal postitional veritgo instead??

thanks so much

2mm .. is very small ... in fact, it would be the smallest I've heard of ... and "most" doctors would wait and see what it does (if it even is an AN)... (discliamer: I'm not a doctor!)

are you sure its not 2 cm (Centimeters) ? have you seen the MRI .. 2 mm would hardly be seen .. but 2 cm would be a golf ball size...

thanks so much for your reply!! we have not yet seen the mri but i did's 2 mm not 2 cm...and he confirmed this to me over the phone. i would think wait and see would be the best thing because from what i've read the surgeries carry a significant risk of complications.....

I also was diagnosed with a small AN, 2.5 mm, after a bout with pneumonia.  I experienced terrible dizziness and partial loss of hearing with ongoing tinnitus. I have been going for the past few weeks for vestibular therapy for the dizziness which is now starting to ease up.  I am also a watcher and will have a repeat MRI in August.


--- Quote from: Joef on April 18, 2007, 07:29:09 am ---2mm .. is very small ... in fact, it would be the smallest I've heard of ... and "most" doctors would wait and see what it does (if it even is an AN)... (discliamer: I'm not a doctor!)

are you sure its not 2 cm (Centimeters) ? have you seen the MRI .. 2 mm would hardly be seen .. but 2 cm would be a golf ball size...

--- End quote ---

smallest I have heard too.... typcially non-symptomatic (typically, that is... but not always).  If 2mm or 3mm is the true size, have all options, including radiosurgery and watch/wait been weight out?

wish mine had been 2mm at time of discovery  :'(



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