General Category > AN Issues


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I am scheduled to see a surgeon Monday, January 22, to discuss surgery for my 2 cm AN.  I was diagnosed in November 2007 and have been waiting all this time to see him.  My question is:  have any of you experienced periods of overwhelming saddness prior to surgery.  I have days when I cry at the drop of a hat (I'm post-menopausal so it's not hormonal).

Linda in WV

I was diagnosed in November of 2006 and had surgery on January,10 2007, during that time I experienced many emotions.  Each day I found myself crying one moment and laughing the next....this seemed to happen less and less as time moved by and my surgery date approached.  I'm now 10 days post-op and feel great, happy with all the decisions I made during the "process", that's even with the hearing loss in my right ear.  You are not alone and if the need arises to speak with someone, please email me directly.

Good Luck.


I tried to post and typed a long post.  It went away.

I'm down with a shoulder injury.  (surgery next Fri.)  I can relate to being sad.

You might want to take something that helps with depression but, usually those drugs take two weeks to begin working.  Consult your doctor if you feel it is serious enough.

I've got extremely painful fluid behind the ear-drum.  I'm going back to the ENT doctor and he will lance the ear-drum if the pills don't work.  I have horrible pain since, the first of the year.  My appt. is the very end of the month.  All I need is a hole in the ear-drum of my AN tumor side.  (six weeks now out of CK)

Again, make sure you make the right decision.  (the big surgery or radiation)  There is no turning back once done.

I'm sorry my long post went away as, it was detailed.  I can't type more with my shoulder problem.

My best of luck,


I have had depression as well, pre and post surgery so I can relate.  I would think that alot of things regarding this depend on the person.  I did not wait very long before I went and got help to deal with it.  Am still taking something and am just starting to feel a bit more back to my normal self.  It took awhile before we found something that would help me.  Everyone is different and we each have to do what works for us as individuals.  I think seeing that other people are dealing with same/similar issues makes us more accepting of our own situations.

I was taking antidepression pills before surgery and had been for some time.  I still found myself boo hooey one minute and happily laughing the next. It's just such an overwhelming thing to deal with.  After surgery I laughed a lot and then about 6 mos after my surgery I went the extreme opposite way so back on the meds I went.  Still trying to get it right.  It does help to talk to someone who understands or is a professional as the range of emotions are huge.  Anyone of us are willing to talk in a PM is need be.  Please know you're not alone and we do understand!


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