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Which kind of Doctor follows your AN case?

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I'm a watch and waiter  with a 3mm vestibular AN.  It was found while testing for other issues.   I had my first apt. with the ENT, and tomorrow I have the first apt. with a Neurologist.  I gather form the ENT that I've been the topic of discussion among the physicians.  At any rate the ENT said he has seen about 15 AN's in as many years of practice and simply informed me that HE would be following my case, ordering the MRI's and hearing tests every 6 months etc.  Frankly I didn't quite like his attitude and found that in some respects I was more knowledgeable than he was, thanks to the good folks on this site.  I actually corrected him twice and he said,  "Oh yea"    However I figure it doesn't much matter WHO orders the MRI.  If and when I have treatment it won't be here anyway.  SO the question is, which is better to follow one's progress, a neurologist or an ENT.  My hearing is 100% thus far.  I'm having a small amount of tinnitus and some slight dizziness.  This could be the effects of a class 2 concussion I suffered on Nov. 29th.  Not as heard headed as I thought, although my husband would not agree to that. 

So who do you have following your progress and does it really matter?  We have limited options in my city.  Also question no. 2.  Does an MRI show the entire brain stem or the area of the pituitary gland?  Do all head MRI's cover the same area or do some just home in on certain areas?

If it wasn't for you good people I would be so lost.  I went into that doctor with confidence, knowledge, and very good questions.  He slipped up twice.  Once he said, "hearing loss will be your first symptom."  I corrected him and pointed out that dizziness could be the first symptom due to the location of the tumor and even reminded him of the case he just described involving a dizzy lady.  "Well"  he said, "you can't order an MRI for everyone who is dizzy."  Then he wanted to send me to a surgeon in a large city and I told him I was already in touch with House and if and when surgery ever became an option I would go there.  He almost fainted.  LOL   Next I said I was leaning towards Radiosurgery if the tumor grew and he said,  "Oh yes, Gamma Knif."   I said perhaps Cyberknif to which he replied that they were just the same.   I just smiled and thanked God for this site and computers.   


I am so proud of you. I to had a very bad ENT also Nero doc. That is why I choice House, they did my surgery. I had radiation but it grew anyway. so i had it removed. Good luck. and you could choose either
one to waite and watch if that is your choice. Mostly they sent me to a neurosurgeon to watch mine but we didnt agree. when I was ready and not him .I chose where i went..keep up the good work..

Hi Karen:

My ENT sent me to a Neurotologist.  They are the ones that actually do the surgery along with a Neurosurgeon.  Neurotologists are the experts on inner ear scull base tumors.  The Neurotologist referred me to the Radiation Oncologist for a consult.

While you are doing the wait and watch I would think an ENT could order the MRI's and inform you of the results.  If it starts go grow (or you start getting any more symptoms) and you think it is time for treatment or another opinion, I would go to a Neurotologist.  There is usually one at major medical centers and teaching hospitals.


Since I have other medical issues that pre-existed prior to my AN (and Chiari 1) discovery, the following follow my medical case:

*2 Brain neurosurgeons (who, btw, recommended radio-surgery for me vs. them operating)
*CK radiologist and neurosurgeon (even long after CK treatment)
*Neuro-oncologist (even long after CK treatment)
*Primary care physician (who is the central focus for pain management, including all meds for balance, headaches, etc)



I went to an ENT who ordered my MRI, who sent me to another ENT who had more experience with AN's.  My surgeon was an ENT/Otologist who specializes in AN removal and Cochlear Implants.  A Neurosurgeon and my ENT assisted.  My followup has all been with the ENT.  MRI's are like vertical and horizontal slices of the area, so my ENT was able to show me most of my skull/brain area by scrolling through them with the's pretty cool.  So I saw the area where the pituitary gland is, but it didn't go as far down as the brain stem.  Hope this helps!



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