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Five Long Years - A Poem

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Hello G-Man,
Unfortuantely  I live in a small town in central Fl. and the nearest support group is in Gainesville. It's about 3 hours away and most meetings are in the evening so I can't go all that way. I will just keep reading the posts on the forum and try to keep positive vibes going! :)
Take care, MG

I fully understand your situation.  I almost moved to Southwest FL.  Then I realized that life would be pretty dull as a non-driver. 
One very worthwhile part of the website is the recordings of the last symposium.  I attended the previous symposium and it was really worthwhile.

Thank you G_Man, I will tune in.

Need guidance please - back in 2011 I lost hearing in my left ear and was "diagnosed" with an eroded stapes.  Surgery to replace it revealed a facial neuroma.  Subsequent testing found a loss of taste, with developing dizziness, etc.  A second surgery to confirm isolated a left side FN (don't remember the size).

Since then, I've opted not to have further MRIs/CTs due to radiation exposure issues (numerous other ones due to loss of right eye over time).

My current problems:  1)  I fear my hearing is overall degraded (both ears); is this possible?  2) and most important, I've developed in the past three weeks a definite pain in my entire lower jaw that at time borders on paralysis.  Is this a symptom of advancing FN?

Thanks for any and all replies ... GL

Hi EzGee .....

It is good that you have posted your concerns regarding your symptoms.  You might want to also start a new topic in the post-treatment area to have more people see your questions.

Two things come to mind when reading your post:

1) MRIs do not use radiation (they use magnetic resonation), but CT scans do include radiation.

2) All 12 cranial nerves originate at the brain stem so the vestibular/cochlear, facial, and trigeminal nerves are all very close together at that point.  Depending upon where your tumor(s) is located and/or its size, you could have symptoms involving any or all of these nerves.  The facial nerve involves facial function and the trigeminal nerve involves the sensation/feeling in the face.  See:

I urge you to call your doctor and share your additional/increasing symptoms and see what he/she says.

Best thoughts.  Clarice


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