ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Facial Issues => Topic started by: ewchisek on March 28, 2013, 10:02:10 pm

Title: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: ewchisek on March 28, 2013, 10:02:10 pm
Hi all! Tomorrow I am having the 7/12 nerve graft for my facial paralysis. I never thought I'd be having to go into a second surgery, but I guess in thankful there is such a thing. I'm going for the best outcome possible! My an surgery was six weeks ago and it's been a long six weeks! I thank all of you who have answered my questions over the past month! Wish me luck!
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: leapyrtwins on March 29, 2013, 08:10:07 am
Hope all goes well.

My partner in crime here on the Forum (lori67) had the 7/12 jump surgery and it went well for her.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: nancyann on March 30, 2013, 08:10:43 am
Hi Elizabeth: Hope all went well. Putting out good thoughts for you.
Keep a peaceful heart....
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: alabamajane on March 30, 2013, 02:02:52 pm
I am hopeful that the surgery went well and that you will post soon to let us know you are well.. I had it done 18 mos ago and have seen some improvement but it take awhile,, don't get discouraged too early on,,it was about 6 mos before I saw much happening ,,
Best of luck to you ,, my sincere wishes for a peaceful spirit and smooth recovery,, our thoughts are with you,, happy Springtime all,,, Jane
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: jaylogs on March 30, 2013, 02:51:23 pm
Hey, I hope all went well with your surgery! Let us know how it's going! Take care!
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: ewchisek on April 10, 2013, 05:41:58 pm
Well, I had the nerve graft march 29. The surgery itself was a breeze compared to the AN surgery. I stayed in the hospital one night, but that was by choice because of my four very active boys at home...I'd figure I'd get more rest:) the days following were fine, just a little sore. The thing that surprised me most was my ear! It feels horrible, like its gigantic! It looks fine, the sensation is just odd and uncomfortable.
So today, 12 days after, I had my stitches removed. The dr seems to think everything went as well as it could have during the surgery. Now, it's a waiting game! I do have a question for anyone willing to answer...say this doesn't work, how long does one wait to try a different procedure? I just pray this works!
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: nancyann on April 10, 2013, 06:53:42 pm
So glad to hear all went well, WHEW!!  Can't help you w/ time lines since I never had this surgery, but so happy you're okay!
Title: Re: Surgery tomorrow...nervous once again!
Post by: Kathleen_Mc on April 11, 2013, 02:35:37 am
You ask "what if this doesn't work?"......what are your expectations of this surgery?
For me the 7-12 helped only a tiny bit to lift my face back up when at rest, raising the lower lid, and my doctor explained to me pre-op the only other purpose was to keep nerve activity in the area that this procedure really wouldn't make that much of a difference in the way I looked.
As far as how long you'd have to wait to have something further done that is a question for your doctor, it's important to remember nerve regeneration is something like a mm per week and the 7-12 will need time to heal before you know it's full effects.