ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Headaches => Topic started by: Lorbis on July 09, 2011, 09:37:06 pm

Title: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Lorbis on July 09, 2011, 09:37:06 pm
After learning that retrosigmoid surgery may be in my future, I was wondering what the post op headaches are like.  Are they common after retrosigmoid? Are they temporary, or is this something to be dealt with for a long time after surgery? Thanks!
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: leapyrtwins on July 10, 2011, 06:06:49 am
Headaches after retrosigmoid seem to be one of those things that you do or don't get.

Although retrosigmoid has a reputation of headaches, many on this Forum don't experience them - I am one of them.

On the other hand, there are people here who had the translab approach and get headaches all the time.

Go figure.

Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Syl on July 10, 2011, 08:12:11 am

I had rerosig surgery 3 years ago. I'm one of the unfortunate ones that gets post-op headaches. However, I can say that it has gotten so much better with time. I don't get the really debilitating headaches very much, but I would still call it a chronic condition. I get 1 at least once/week.  I used to get them almost every day & sometimes more than once/day.

Luckily, applying heat to the back of the neck has always worked very well for me. My headaches don't last very long, even the debilitating ones. I do keep Tylenol handy, however.

Like Jan said, not everyone who chooses retrosig gets headaches.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Rivergirl on July 10, 2011, 08:40:04 am
I have headaches daily, the surgeon thinks they will get better with time, there are times during the day that they are not as bad as others.  I am hoping they will fade away.
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Jim Scott on July 10, 2011, 02:24:14 pm
Laurie ~

Like Jan (leapyrtwins), I also underwent the Retrosigmoid Approach AN surgery - and did not experience headaches.  None, keiner, acune, ninguno, nessuno...well, you get the point.  I specifically asked my neurosurgeon about post-op headaches and he assured me that "his AN surgery patients didn't get post-op headaches".  I thought that was a bold statement but was happy to hear it - and even happier that he was proven correct.  Although we're all unique and no AN situation is identical to another, I hope you have the same experience.

Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Lorbis on July 10, 2011, 09:20:01 pm
Thanks all for the replies.  My doctor also said his patients don't usually get them, so I'm going to believe him.  I'm in watch and wait status for now-MRI scheduled for November.  Hopefully I won't have to do anything!
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Lupy on July 17, 2011, 06:50:39 pm
Hi Lorbis,

I had retrosigmoid two years ago and have daily debilitating headaches however, this is not the case for all retrosigmoid patients. I know several women who have had the same surgery with no adverse results.

There are risk factors emerging in the medical literature regarding who is most likely to suffer headaches after a retrosigmoid surgery. I will dig up some of the papers shortly and post more info but I remember I ticked many of the boxes...

I am soon to post some more information about a recent diagnosis I received regarding the aetiology of my headaches and treatments I have started having that may be of interest.

But as always – be guided by the specialists you are seeing! Good luck and take care.

Lupy  :)
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Lorbis on July 18, 2011, 08:10:38 pm
Thank you Lupy.  I look forward to reading that information.
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: CHD63 on July 19, 2011, 08:11:26 am
Lorbis .....

Putting in my two cents worth here .....   I have had two retrosigmoid surgeries ..... one for microvascular decompression surgery because of trigeminal neuralgia at the brain stem and one for an acoustic neuroma removal.  They were done in two different medical facilities with two different doctors and 14 years apart.  The first one resulted in horrible headaches for about two weeks and then they disappeared (have to think it was mostly from post-op swelling).  The second one resulted in absolutely no headaches.

All of my adult life I have had barometric pressure change headaches and stress headaches so I fully expected to have headaches following surgery in my skull.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I also had translab surgery two months ago for removal of the acoustic neuroma and I had a few very minor headaches following that for about three days and that was it.

I think there are many factors involved in whether someone develops headaches following retrosigmoid surgery.  A patient's overall health, length of surgery, techniques used during surgery, etc. etc.  No one can guarantee a result one way or the other.

Best thoughts and prayers for a headache free recovery!

Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: RichB57 on July 28, 2011, 06:59:04 pm
I had my AN removed via retrosigmoid on April 20, 2011 and started getting headaches at about 5 weeks post op.  My neurosurgeon recommended acetominophen, which has worked pretty well, but the headaches have seemed to be getting worse in the last week or so.  I have a follow-up with my neurotologist scheduled for Aug. 8.  I'll have to see what he says.
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: JAndrews on July 28, 2011, 07:04:55 pm
I did alot of research and had several consults before my surgery. The risk of chronic severe headaches is pretty high with retrosigmoid..per Dr. Link and Driscoll at the Mayo Clinic. With translab there is about a 1% chance...that was the chance I took. I have no headaches. You can research it yourself...its true
Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: Syl on July 29, 2011, 08:30:04 am
I had my AN removed via retrosigmoid on April 20, 2011 and started getting headaches at about 5 weeks post op.  My neurosurgeon recommended acetominophen, which has worked pretty well, but the headaches have seemed to be getting worse in the last week or so.  I have a follow-up with my neurotologist scheduled for Aug. 8.  I'll have to see what he says.


I was taking Tylenol on a regular basis for my headaches--about 1000mg 3 times a day. The ENT ecouraged me to keep taking Tylenol if it was helping ease the pain. I later found out from the neurologist that the body can become dependent on Tylenol & that leads to rebound headaches. The neurologist helped get me off Tylenol & the headaches eased up a bit. I still take Tylenol, but limit it to about twice per week.

Title: Re: Retrosigmoid post-op Headaches
Post by: ombrerose4 on July 29, 2011, 11:49:08 am

I will be 2 yrs post op in September. I began having bad headaches about 3 weeks post op. For 1 1/2 years I was getting headaches several times a day. After various medications which didn't work, I did some trigger point injections and 2 sessions of Botox which gave me some relief. The last few months I have been going to PT for my head, neck and shoulders and my headaches are much better. I now get them maybe 1-2 times a week, but they are not as severe and 1 motrin or 1 excedrin takes it away. As others have said retrosigmoid does not mean you will have headaches, but that there is a larger percentage of patients who have this procedure that do develop headaches. Just stay positive and think good thoughts:)