Post-Treatment > Eye Issues

Does anyone have eye focus problems/forgetfullness

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I have eye focus problems, eyes feel like they are being pulled out of my head..I went to DR primary. he had me try and stand on one foot. no way. either eyes closed or open. eye dr says they are fine as far as he can see.. now what?  I put those pm eye drops in. they help too. but i have to get up during the night to do it again...any suggestions   Linda or and cant rememer who said what,, I have to find the note that capt dee or pearl gave me on the 4 things.I have the note pad, but cant remember what i need to write down..

Do you have nystagmus in your eyes?  That is when the eyes are not tracking together.  Gave me a real wonky headed problem and had a lot of trouble focusing on things.  It was one of the reasons I couldn't drive for a while.  My 89 year old neighbor told me to just do what he does..close one eye and go for it  LOL

I have the same memory thing.  My mom kept telling to carry a note pad around but it got funny with my just trying to keep up with the darn thing.  I've learned to keep things in the same place and keep a grocery list since I can no longer remember more than 3 things from the store.  Tonight I lost my list before I made it to the store then had my son grouchy as I forgot the doritos...heck I remembered the milk  LOL

My AN side eye tracks slower than the other and since surgery I can feel that they work on two different levels. I have trouble reading for more than 10 minutes and have to take frequent computer breaks to close my eyes as I get very fatigued from the overload.

I am queen of the post-it notes, I have daily lists and notes to myself at home and in the car. A few times I have been at the store and somehow lost my list, and I could not remember what I had gone there for :'(

Michelle - What kind of car does your 89 year old neighbor drive LOL so I can be on the lookout. (just kidding :-*)


I've bought stock in Post It's, Linda... and, I have to giggle... on occassion, I claim my dr's note for my AN makes me forget things, like to do things for CB (shhhhh, don't tell him), telling the bank I forgot to balance my checkbook, etc :)

Bothers the heck out of what was I saying? ;)

(Hang in there Linda, with your eye situation. I, peronsally, am not familiar with it)


Jim Scott:
No more forgetful than usual.  I don't really suffer from dry eye or tinnitus either, so I'm probably not a very good reference.  I just wanted to acknowledge Linda's post and her query.   Although I do not share her specific complications, I do wish her well.



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