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hey all

thanks for responding, I thought I was crazy.  I can nap in the day but at night it is like that switch goes on "time to stay up".  I am also eating and eating and eating,  It is out of control.  I can not belive how much I am eating,  all this from some little old steroid. I had my surgery on 9-14 and I feel pretty good but I just wish I could do more to burn all the eztra food off and get tired enough to sleep at night.  I am just really happy that the surgery is over and went well.  I the dang this is out and now hopefully I can just move on to whatever normal can be.  I hope that everyone else is doing as well as I am and I will keep you all in my thoughts for a good recovery. 

Also please keep me updated on any changes you guys may have, it is interesting to me how our bodies can heal with a lot of the same outcomes

Thanks again


Hi Dianne,

I am 2 weeks out and having sleeping issues too. I also think it's the steroids. I am experiencing little improvements though. Up until a few days ago, I was just NOT sleeping without medication. I have since had 3 short but glorious, natural naps. I had to experient with the medication too and while I'm not crazy about what I've ended up with - it is working.  I seem to sleep naturally for about 2 hours then wake up. I take a 5mg Ambien that seems to put me to sleep and an Ambien CR which will keep me asleep for exactly 4 hours for some reason.  The Ambien does not make groggy the day after, the Lunesta did. Strangely enough, even before this new little cycle I was getting REST somehow, I didn't feel particularly sleep deprived. My schedule is really weird. I am up and feeling great at 4am and get generally tired around Noon. I'm extremely fortunate not to have to be working right now, so the schedule really isn't bothersome. This whole experiencing is so fascinating...I hope you can get a little cycle going for yourself! Best wishes!

Oh boy...I'm not alone on this...we all sound very similar.  I can sleep hard during the afternoon, but at night I'm exhausted, lay down and my brain will not shut down it runs full force.  I've resulted to taking xanax at night as the ambien just wasnt' allowing more than 4 hours of sleep.  I just got some ambien cr and yes they say it's not addicting but you can develop a dependency on it.  Melatonin is a natural sleep aid that works, wine, I had my doctor tell me to get up at 6 am, walk and no more naps..I just laughed at him and said doc give me the cr  LOL  I have found that with tony's advice I'm getting better with the sleep thing some.  I watch how long I lay down during the day, instead of sleeping hard for 3 hours I try to limit myself to an hour nap to recharge and reset my vestibular.  I still wake up a lot during the night but am able to generally fall asleep without the aid of any meds.  I dont' do the wine trick due to the meds I'm on for depression.  I'm so tired of being tired!

I think most of you are not retired, but I want to say not working or not having to go to work is really confusiing for your body and inner clock. 

So, you might be experiencing problems of sleeping after steriod use but also because you are not doing the work/eat/sleep pattern right now.  Your routine is all out of whack.

As for sleeping in a lounge chair in a quiet room, both my husband and I discovered that this is an effective way to handle temporary sleep problems.  Fighting the pillow and the mattress are not necessarily the best way to rest. 

I agree that naps should be short if you have any hope of sleeping the night.

Battyprincess: Beware of using Melatonin! I actually had a sleep study done this summer and saw a sleep specialist.......I have a sleep disorder, likely caused by working nights for so many years. He mentioned that Melatonin is an option for this disorder but that this is contraindicated in people who have had brain surgery! (can't remember if you had "surgery" or radiation but the same may apply for the radiated population). Was this a treatment OK'd by your doctor?


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