Post-Treatment > Headaches

headaches set off by noise

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---I never had a problem with headaches until starting a month or so ago... I'd have an occasional headache before that, but now I have one every day. Didn't used to be that way. I don't understand why it's happening now. I know exactly what you mean by your topic "headaches set off by noise."

---Before and after my surgery, I was in contact with a really nice AN person who helped me out and gave me some great recommendations. One of the things he recommended was that I get a Musician's Ear piece from my ENT's audiologist. This is an ear piece for your HEARING EAR, but it blocks out unwanted loud sounds/noise. It is wonderful!! :) And for what it does, it's really not that expensive -- it's under $100...maybe around $75... don't remember, sorry. Anyway, the audiologist pours a mold in your ear, and send it off so that it will custom fit your ear canal. I received my ear piece in my mailbox in about 1 week.

You can buy filters to place inside of the ear piece. I purchased two filters. One filter is for loud noise, like concerts (in my case football games w/excited fans, or even church b/c sometimes the music gets kind of loud.). The other filter blocks out some noise, but still allows you to have a conversation with someone. I've used it some since I got it, but I'm using it much more often now. And sometimes at home, if I feel a headache coming on, I just put that in, and it does help some.


Your the first post I read that explains the musicians earplug.  I have chronic headaches and like others noises especially where the ceilings are high like church, home depot , department stores etc. I  Have problems.  I tried regular ear plugs and actually got an earache from them.  I went to a football game after my radiaition and ended up putting tissues in my ears and sat holding my hands to my ears the whole time.  Figured I'd never go to another football game.   Maybe I should look into musician earplugs.  (I thought they were something you bought at a music store).  Not something that was fitted for you.                                                               



Meant that last post for you!                                                                                                                                                     



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