Post-Treatment > Headaches

Barometric headaches

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I mentioned my weather related headaches to my doc and told him that the pain is above my right eye not back on the incision and he didn't think it was An related!! Well I never had this problem before surgery and now 2 1/2 yrs later I consistenly get a dull ache in my right temple every time the weather changes....seems to me it is related.  I like the term Barometric Headache...I'll try to remember that.  ;D

Patti UT:

--- Quote from: Crazycat on December 17, 2006, 12:30:13 am ---It is true that health, headaches and well-being can be influenced by barometric pressure. The Germans actually have a specific word for this: "Wettersmertz" I think. Translated: "weather-pain". (and no, not window pane Captn' Deb!!!!) That would be "Fenstersmertz" or something.........oh, forgive me......."DAS fenstersmertz"........


  Paul,   window what???  Being a 70's & 80's gal  I can't imagine what your talking about.

patti ut


--- End quote ---

I can now predict a  cold front moving in... between my back surgery and my AN treatment, I just keep my Imitrex nearby as I know it's a guarantee I'll need it.

Stay well, all!


The headaches are getting really bad again, must be the barometer.  I don't feel like I can do this anymore.  I'm just tired of  being a guinea pig and nothing is helping me!  Although I'm not supposed to take excedrin right now because of my stomach, I took two in hopes of a little relief so I can sleep because I have to get up early tomorrow to take my pup for her spay surgery.  I called my doctor's office today, he won't be in until tomorrow. I'm just tired of all these years of headaches  >:(  Thanks for letting me get this out of my system.  Gonna go drink a cup of hot choc and try to sleep!


I hear ya! Dealing with these headaches is really tiresome. I've had to approach it from all angles and it sure takes the the fun out of things. It seems that anything that causes a tinge of swelling or muscle strain can set it off. I think the thread on barometric pressure relates to this. When you mentioned that you were going to drink some hot chocolate, I thought to myself that thie chocolate would trigger a headache for me. Nuts and alcohol seem to cause just enough swelling in my head to push me towards a headache.  We have a huge extended family that lives in the same neighborhood and frequntly have parties. I get so sick of turning down the wine, chocolate and nuts but know that is what I need to do along with medications and injections to live a fairly normal life.

If you google "migraine diet" you should find a list of things and food to avoid.  I hope this helps.

Hang in there Static. I really believe there is a lot of research regarding pain relief going on and someday this will be in our past.



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