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Getting help and support

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I haven't posted here in quite some time.  My husband has a recurrence of an acoustic neuroma and underwent 6 weeks of radiotatic surgery last summer.  He has been experiencing very bad headaches and is now taking steroids.  I feel we could both do with some help and support but I dont' know where to go to get it.
I was wondering if he would qualify for a disabled badge as he now also has a heart condition and is getting so very tired.   Any ideas would be appreciated.


Jim Scott:
followingHim ~

Although it's good to see you back afrer all these months, I'm sorry your husband's headaches are the motivation for your return.  Because you and your husband are in the U.K., I would suggest checking out the BANA (British Acoustic Neuroma Association) website to find out if there is a local AN support group within reasonable driving distance of your residence.  Of course, these forums can also be a source of support for you and your husband.  Although we cannot give you direct medical advice, we can offer practical advice and, just as important, extend empathy and friendship based on mutually shared experience with this somewhat rare condition (acoustic neuroma). 

I trust your husband's headaches will diminish soon and that both of you will avail yourselves of our willingness to share and support.  I look forward to seeing you post again - a bit sooner, this time.  :) 


Thank you for your response Jim.  It is much appreciated.  I had to contact the hospital this morning as Rob's headaches have come back even though he is still taking the streroids.  His dosage (Dexamethasone 2mg twice a day) has been increased, back to twice a day until we go back to the hospital next week and his condition reassessed. 

We have had a very busy and stessful year but it is good to be back here and I am trying to catch up with all the latest news.  The book club certainly looks interesting.  It would be lovely to have the time to sit down and read again. 




great to see you back  and so sorry to hear Rob is running into these issues.... hoping the dexmeth (steroids) helps as I ran into issues about the same time and had to also do a short term course of steroids to help.  I know I didn't get to meet you over the Christmas holidays (I met up with some AN'ers while in Dorset County over the holidays) and so sorry I missed you. 

Jim makes a great suggestion about BANA and they may be able to help out as well.

As for the ANA Book Club, I'm still waiting for them to recommend a good Danielle Steele Book before I join :)

Please hang in there and please tell Rob to hang tough... sending wellness wishes his way.


Hi Ppearl,

Rob was feeling so unwell this morning that I phoned the hospital.  They have suggested that he increases the steroids back to 4 mg today until he has his appointment at the hospital on Tuesday.  He seems to be a bit better but still has no energy.  The headaches seem to have eased up some too.

Dorset is some distance from us here in Gloucestershire, but it is good that people are able to meet up.   I have been in touch with BANA as Jim kindly suggersted but there isn't a support group in our area.  I think it might be a good idea to take out a membership with them.

So far I haven't come across the book list for the book club. Does anyone know what page it is on?  I like the classics like Austen and I like history.  It is years since I read anything like that and I am looking forward to being able to "switch off "for a while with a good book.  I think Rob might enjoy that too as we are both bookworms.

I don't think I have read Danielle Steele before but our daughter is an avid fan.  Rob has enjoyed some of the Wilbut Smith novels in the past.  He might still have one "on the go" at the moment.




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