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AN Monitoring after radiation 10 years ago


Hi everyone! This is my first post here.  I was diagnosed and treated for an AN almost 10 years ago.  It shrunk the AN tumor and I went back the next year for him to monitor.  I was supposed to go back at intervals and have it checked again, but have not.
Basically, because I have a very bad phobia about MRIs.  I have also had stage 4 endometrial cancer that ved to both my lungs so i have been fighting that, as well, so it was pushed to the back of my mind. But I have been reading about how important it is to go back and let them see how it is progressing, and I know it is important for me to go in and have that MRI so he can see for himself, but it is so hard to make that appt knowing I will be in that MRi for 40 minutes. It's actually been easier for me to deal with cancer that has spread and taking chemo the last 8 years to keep it batted back, than to have that MRI. I know, it sounds silly, but it is a fact.  I am not even sure why I am posting here. I'm sure most of you will think I am being silly. I know it does not make sense, but I can't seem to help it.

Lots of people have phobia about things,  and nobody really likes the MRI machine.   If you really think it's a good idea to have it done then you should.  Just tell the doctor about your extreme phobia and he/she will give instructions to the radiologists at the MRI center.  All you have to do is show up. They will put you out and you won't remember a thing.  As a side note, at 10 years out if everything is looking good they will probably tell you that's it on the MRI's. Over and done with.

As you are being checked for regrowth it should be possible to use an Open MRI..

Here is a photo of a sit up version...

and a lying down version

Thank you both for your replies. And the photos of the open MRIs were amazing.


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